【花开花落两由之 -- Come What May, Let it Be.】 (原创天地) 4287次阅读
Come what may
Anything goes up will be down the other way
Love, wealth, whatever else, let it be
Water runs in, and Cloud vanishes away
After all, tomorrow is another day
Winter is here then Spring can't be far away
Health is above all for peace mind to stay
- 【花开花落两由之 -- Come What May, Let it Be.】 - yijuhua, 2015-10-08
- 春夏秋冬,各有各的精彩:D - 小活, 2015-10-09
- ~ ~ ~ - yijuhua, 2015-10-10
- 有种厚重,沉淀感,听着让人为之动容。谢谢分享~ - 无鸣0312, 2015-10-09
- 同感, 不动就奇怪了 ~ - yijuhua, 2015-10-10
- 只缘生在此山中。堪破了,就是槛外人了。美帖! - 眉子, 2015-10-09
- 放眼风物去 ~ - yijuhua, 2015-10-10
- 发人深省。 - 剑剑风流, 2015-10-10
- 且随之去 ~ - yijuhua, 2015-10-10
- 春夏秋冬,各有各的精彩:D - 小活, 2015-10-09