
【万圣节绑架活动】预热--【EYES ON ME】呵呵呵悄悄和听泉美眉绑一起假装是姐妹团编外,谁都不要来拉我啊,打死我也不走:))) (我是歌手)  3663次阅读

作者: 倚泉 @, 发表于: 2016-10-21 (2901天前)
编辑: 倚泉, 时间: 星期五, 十月 21, 2016, 14:48


视频是final fantasy MV,很有感觉吧呵呵呵。


Whenever sang my songs,
On the stage,
On my own.
Whenever said my words,
wishing they would be heard.
I saw you smiling at me,
Was it real or just my fantasy?
You'd always be there in the corner, of this tiny little bar.

My last night here for you,
same old songs just once more.
My last night here with you?
Maybe yes, maybe no.
I kind of liked it your way,
how you shyly placed your eyes on me.
Did you ever know that I had mine on you?

Darling so there you are!
With that look on your face.
As if your never hurt.
As if your never down.
Shall I be the one for you,
Who pinches you softly but sure?
If frown is shown then,
I will know that you are no dreamer.

So let me come to you
Close as I want to be.
Close enough for me
to feel your heart beating fast
and stay there as i whisper
how i loved your peaceful eyes on me
did you ever know that i had mine on you?

Darling so share with me,
your love if you have enough,
your tears if your holding back,
or pain if that's what it is.
How can i let you know?
I'm more than the dress and the voice.
Just reach me out then,
You will know that you are not dreaming.

Darling so there you are!
With that look on your face.
As if your never hurt.
As if your never down.
Shall I be the one for you,
Who pinches you softly but sure?
If frown is shown then,
I will know that you are no dreamer.


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