

【客栈影视大狂欢】--《Don't Cry for Me Argentina 》——听泉 (我是歌手)  3867次阅读

作者: 听泉 @, 发表于: 2017-06-23 (2539天前)


很久没有来客栈了,听啦啦说客栈三周年庆,这么重要的日子,我们姐妹必须要为客栈好友献上一份贺礼。这首《Don't Cry for Me Argentina 》是由作曲家安德鲁?劳埃德?韦伯于1975年创作,收录于专辑《艾薇塔》。在音乐剧《艾薇塔》中由Julie Covington演唱。在电影《贝隆夫人》中,由麦当娜主演并演唱了这首主题歌。它唱出了阿根廷前“第一夫人”艾薇塔?贝隆辛酸曲折、辉煌传奇的一生。从穷裁缝的私生女到15岁的舞女,从高级交际花到总统夫人,艾薇塔33载的短暂一生记录了太多的悲欢离合、大起大落。


《Don't Cry For Me Argentina(阿根廷别为我哭泣)》
原唱 Madonna
翻唱 听泉
  It won‘t be easy
  You‘ll think it strange
  When I try to explain how I feel
  That I still need your love
  After all that I‘ve done
  You won‘t believe me
  All you will see is a girl
  You once knew
  Although she‘s dressed up to the nines
  At sixes and sevens with you
  I had to let it happen
  I had to change
  Couldn‘t stay all my life down at heel
  Looking out of the window
  Staying out of the sun
  So I chose freedom
  Running around
  Trying everything new
  But nothing impressed me at all
  I never expected it to
  Don‘t cry for me Argentina
  The truth is I never left you
  All through my wild days
  My mad existence
  I kept my promise
  Don‘t keep your distance
  And as for fortune
  And as for fame
  I never invited them in
  Though it seemed to the world
  They were all I desired
  They are illusions
  They are not the solutions
  They promised to be
  The answer was here all the time
  I love you and hope you love me
  Don‘t cry for me Argentina
  Don‘t cry for me Argentina
  The truth is I never left you
  All through my wild days
  My mad existence
  I kept my promise
  Don‘t keep your distance
  Have I said too much?
  There‘s nothing more
  I can think of to say to you
  But all you have to do is
  Look at me to know
  That every word is true


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