

探讨《种子计划》. Basic Assumption:market direction-quite bull (SPX). Position size: total risk is 1% of your portfolio. Seedling is one quarter of the total position. Protective stop is -25%, this number is how you decide your total position. First Seedling - does not matter when do you buy it-you are buy and hold your seedling for long term. Second buy- when the stock retraces a little bit and at short term support, let say, down $2. First sell - when stock goes up and at short term resistance which your second-buy makes money. Short term: I use 15minute, 30 minute and 60 minute chart. After your second buy if the stock goes down again, third buy at a short term support. (我是歌手)  585次阅读

作者: 伍点墨 @, 发表于: 2017-08-08 (2494天前) @ 雅歌


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