版主:雅歌  新东  胖胖  熊熊  

gas--2.7-3 this wave, then 3-2.75 next ; ugaz--broke up 63, could pull back from 65-60, then 60-70, KD line was closed, now opened up, should NOT short gas ... dgaz— could be 32-20, more likely, or 32-10 eventually if break down 20 (谈股论金)  1552次阅读

作者: seabird58 @, 发表于: 2018-05-18 (2170天前)
编辑: seabird58, 时间: 星期二, 五月 29, 2018, 16:41


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  • gas--2.7-3 this wave, then 3-2.75 next ; ugaz--broke up 63, could pull back from 65-60, then 60-70, KD line was closed, now opened up, should NOT short gas ... dgaz— could be 32-20, more likely, or 32-10 eventually if break down 20 [ 没有文字 ] - seabird58, 2018-05-18 [*]
我是歌手 新闻速递 谈股论金 聊天灌水 影视在线 心灵大学 原创天地 笑话连篇 美食天下 视觉艺术 伴奏交流