Thoughts on a summer day By Q. Li Live to be the best or die to become the scariest I can't help but getting stuck at the fact that Xiang Yu chose to die rather than crossing the Yangtze river eastward to survive (雨斤 译) 更多金二原创 版权所有。未经作者允许,请勿转载。...
Outlook on a spring day By F. Du Trees and grass are overgrown in the still standing mountains and by the quietly flowing rivers surrounding the country's war-torn capital Sorrow and sadness filled my heart and inside when I look at the scene in front of my eyes on this supposedly bright and joyful spring day M...
Crows cry sorrowfully in the frosty dark night after moon long set With all the worries in mind I cuddled up on my anchored boat trying hard to fall asleep but in vain ‘til midnight only to hear the far reaching sound of the time telling bell from the nearby chill mountain temple 更多金二原创...
今天真是个好日子! 贴段唱,留个念。 北雁南飞是山上的专业戏剧大腕儿,我是她的业余跟班。 大家听听就好,不必跟帖。 谢谢听戏。周末快乐! 优酷链接: 点击左边播放器播放Download...