

还是老美玩儿的花,问题是把根留住有啥用啊。。嘎嘎 (笑话连篇)  8516次阅读

作者: Big-apple @, 发表于: 2015-08-23 (3229天前)


American Men Cross Tightrope with Safety Harness Tied to Genitals
Balancing 30 metres above ground, these slackliners take the expression of living dangerously one step further - by tightrope walking NAKED.

The brave adventurers leave their clothes behind and wear only a single safety rope secured tightly around their waists, ankles, and - in the case of American Andy Lewis - even their private parts.

The pics of Lewis and Austrian Mich Kemeter crossing the 61-metre stretch of rope were taken by Philadelphia photographer Jared Alden, 31, after his love of travelling and adventure merged into his passion for photography.

They were taking part in the GGBY highline festival at an unknown location in the remote Utah dessert.


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