

英国29岁的奇葩女孩说:如果男人不接受我的Kitty王国,那我对他也不感兴趣 (笑话连篇)  4390次阅读

作者: Big-apple @, 发表于: 2014-07-01 (3741天前)


'If a man doesn't like my kitty kingdom then I'm not interested': 29-yr-old woman has spent over £50,000 on her Hello Kitty obsession... and yes, she is still single

Natasha Goldsworth is on the hunt for the man of her dreams, but he might be hard to locate because he would need to put up with a flat crammed with £50,000 worth of 'Hello Kitty' collectibles.

Horse trainer Natasha, 29, got hooked on the cartoon character as a teenager and has spent 15 years collecting 10,000 items.

Every room of her flat is now filled with Hello Kitty accessories including jewellery, furniture, clothing, curtains, and 4,000 cuddly toys.














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