- 人走茶该不该凉 - 闲茶蛋, 2016-06-29
- 人走茶凉 "The tea cools down as soon as the person is gone". It implies the superficiality of human relationships merely based on money and/or power. - 茱萸, 2016-06-29
- money and/or power :D 握爪。。 - 闲茶蛋, 2016-06-29
- 该 - 眉子, 2016-06-29
- 常见的人性,可以理解。 - 我为诗歌狂, 2016-06-29
- 常态如果是人在的时候茶不凉不热,那么权利就不是权利了。人走还留着军委主席那就是茶不凉,连军委主席都不做了那就是真茶凉。 - 修理小子, 2016-06-29
- 人走茶凉 "The tea cools down as soon as the person is gone". It implies the superficiality of human relationships merely based on money and/or power. - 茱萸, 2016-06-29