
找对了医生? (原创天地)  3077次阅读

作者: 小活 @, 发表于: 2016-07-12 (2999天前)



我的收获大大的 :D


然后听到他讲了一个特好玩的事,他认识的一个教练,在美国七十年代组织跑步训练都要在晚上,原因是怕被邻居熟人看到笑话。哈哈,哪象现在跑步锻炼这么热,炎炎烈日之下都有傻子在跑步 :)))这肯定不是说我。因为我好久没在外面傻跑了。 :P

排第二的是:knee 外侧疼,不跑不疼,一跑就疼。天啊,这不就是说呢嘛。听他说好象是什么IT belt的毛病。没听清,不知道是不是这两个单词。
排第四的是:knee cap pain
排第五的是: 没顾上听。哈,我终于找到了解我哪疼的医生了,竟然他自己就是专业级别的运动员。


哇塞!!!我一直懒得看医生原来就是等着见这个医生呢:))) 最近一次跑半小时,knee没疼,而且换了不同位置有点点不舒适感觉,我不敢多跑,感觉应该是好转了。等忙过这几天,要连续跑它个一小时,最好能跑疼了,然后我就可以去彻底治疗去了。拖了太长的时间,哇,一下子心里又充满了期盼,我梦想的全马啊,又有了可能!这太让我开心了。:)))

他还说到了一个特好玩事就是"你肯定听过好多医生说过,跑步太不好了,对knee特别不好。可是跑步还有那么多好处呢,增强心肌功能,降低血脂,增强骨质密度。。。。反正我一跑步,我就不grouchy了,我太太也是。还有啊,跑步可以make you look good naked,我敢打保票,那个说跑步不好的医生肯定 not look good naked。。。。。。"


去年公司的运动会后,照集体照,我抢了一个第一排最中间的位置坐。今年的运动会没敢报名。嗯!治好我的knee,明年咱再抢个镜! :)))

哎,高兴太早了,晚上考试的歌还没学会呢,这老师也是,找这么多我听都没听过的老歌 :(
哈哈,还借我一盘CD,让我在车上听培养意境,告诉我不看五线谱唱歌,就不会了解歌曲的结构,唱不出歌曲的意境。嗯,这个我不赞同。很多灵魂歌手,每次唱同一首歌都是不同曲调呢,词曲作者有歌谱来固化创作的意境。但演唱着绝对可以再发挥,再创作。 :D

嗯,嗯, 嗯, 不唠叨了,赶紧听歌学歌去。 :)

附加上跑步的好处:快锻炼吧,健康最重要,好处大大滴! :))
• Overall mental health.
Runners are happy people. We’ve got that runner high thing going for us. Just don’t make us unhappy by canceling a race that we’ve trained months and months for. That’s one way to turn a runner’s smile upside down.
• Strengthens your lungs.
Runners have increased lung capacity from logging mile after mile. Those strong lungs come in handy if you ever find yourself on the other side of race as a spectator. A runner’s WOOHOO! is loud and proud.
• Helps prevent high blood pressure.
Your arteries expand and contract while running helping to keep your arteries fit which in turn keeps your blood pressure in a normal range. That is until you find out that your favorite running shoe has been discontinued. Nothing is harder to replace than a beloved running shoe!
• Strengthens immune system.
Regular running builds up your tolerance to germs which results in fewer minor illnesses. That is unless you are training for a marathon. Then you will be sick all the time.
• Weight control.
Running burns mega-calories. However, it makes you mega-hungry, especially if you are training for long distances. Running doesn’t give you a pass to eat all the food, all the time.
• Physically strong legs.
Runner’s legs are a powerhouse. They move you from point A to B. They carry you up and down hills. They know how to put it into high gear at the track. They also will have a hard time fitting into skinny jeans when you are in the thick of marathon training.
• Relieves stress.
Running boasts the brain’s serotonin levels which make you calmer and more relaxed. Who said you can’t run away from your problems?
• Increased bone density.
Running stresses your bones. Essential minerals are sent to the bones when under stress, which makes them stronger. However, running does not make you unbreakable. You still can break a bone by thinking you can jump a 10-foot high fence.
• Increased joint strength and stability.
Running increases the strength of your ligaments and tendons. You’ll find your joints will be able to withstand more mileage and more uneven terrain. But that doesn’t mean you will never sprain your ankle again while trail running. It just may mean four weeks on crutches versus eight weeks if you didn’t run.
• Increased confidence. Once you start running, your confidence begins to grow. You’ll feel more in control of your life and your body. You will even begin to think you look good in spandex tights.


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