- 信用,美元,黄金的故事 - 冰川, 2016-08-16
- 谢谢冰川! - 雅歌, 2016-08-17
- 谢谢雅歌,愿意从一点一滴丰富这个栏目。 - 冰川, 2016-08-17
- 谢谢冰川分享,这是典型的天天喷别人,结果自己手上最脏,两个字虚伪,两个字骗子。。如果看历史长河的话,不清楚我们到底在这个国运周期的什么位置。。货币战争里面有更具体的描述。。 - 嘻哈爸, 2016-08-17
- 信用是相对的,至少美元是世界上信用最好的货币 - bb_bing, 2016-08-17
- 请教冰川和各位, 油mm是怎么控仓炒作的?有相关的文章看看吗? 比如这一波涨势,明明产量大于demand, mm还是死经的往上拉, 如何分辨多空势力强弱?谢谢大家! - oneoneone, 2016-08-17
- 谢谢值得一看的故事. - 东新, 2016-08-18
- 谢谢,对俺是很好的科普知识 - 淡淡的天空, 2016-08-18
- 最近看黄生的一些文章中间觉得模糊的地方, 从你这里得到一些启发. 谢谢科普.有空请继续 - 暖风, 2016-08-20
- 美元的信用是建立在军事,科技,经济上的全球霸主地位。其实换了个其他国家当老大,结果也差不多。 - canada_lowhand, 2016-08-20
- 美元用作世界货币还是最好的选择吧!我78年上大学之前当车工每月工资28元人民币。若谁家里有几千元人民币存款就算很富裕的人家了。现在28元人民币能买什么东西?这人民币还不是世界货币,这些年就已经贬成如此。若成了世界货币,则印出来的人民币会更多,应该贬得更厉害吧! - coolboy, 2016-08-21
- Currency doesn't make sense for normal ppl. But as investors/capitalists, suppose you had $28 in 1990 as a manufacturer in LA, what you most likely did was to invest $28 and moved ur factory to Taiwa/Korea/China, what you could have now is $28*6 *10000% /6.8 = $2800, 100 times of gain in Asia in last 30 years is easy, but the risk of having $28 in LA as a manufacturer is that your business may be gone. - osoyoos, 2016-08-22
- if US fed debt is forgotten at some time in the future by large buyers like china/russia/saudi etc, then your us dollar could turn into toilet paper - that is another risk. The questions is when that turning point will come. - osoyoos, 2016-08-22
- 谢谢冰川! - 雅歌, 2016-08-17