Believe that CENTRAL bankers are already in Jackson Hole now, news will leak tonight and the market will react to it in HK/JP market around 9:00 p.m EST . (谈股论金) 1280次阅读
观看【osoyoos】的博客- 没有文字 -
- Copy from YAGE - 由于明天不知道叶老太太会讲什么话,俺担心市场会自动认为是不加息的信号,做空美元!所以今天买进DUST的,可以在35-35.6元先卖出!全卖或只保留少部分 - osoyoos, 2016-08-25
- Believe that CENTRAL bankers are already in Jackson Hole now, news will leak tonight and the market will react to it in HK/JP market around 9:00 p.m EST . - osoyoos, 2016-08-25