- ZF--这场百年金融战争还在持续,中国将如何破局? - 冰川, 2016-10-31
- 谢谢冰川分享好文章! - 雅歌, 2016-11-01
- 谢谢视角独到的好文!长见识了。 - 新东, 2016-11-01
- 长见识了!那么我们小市民该如何应对这个即将到来的风暴呢? - 路过停留, 2016-11-01
- sit well and relax , enjoy coffee, that is it - osoyoos, 2016-11-02
- just read it, a lot of foundation principles are wrong, the slogan is very encoraging, the 'results' are 'correct' too, at least from good-will perspective; but a lot of mistakes are made in the article; e.g, what china has achieved so far is based on the 'corporate china' biz model, but the sustainability is in doubt, we will see furthre correction in both china and u.s. etc etc... - osoyoos, 2016-11-02
- u.s market correction is proven to work. we all get sick, but do we want to live in vanccum to avoid the disease? like removing the money/capital market and go back to the times needing no banks and feed ourselves with raw beef? lol - osoyoos, 2016-11-02