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Trading Beyond the Matrix. 这本书我完整的读了两遍,有些章节读了三遍四遍。第一遍读就是看故事会。当时有读不下来的感觉,没有时间或者读不下去的同学,建议直接跳到第十八章。摘录两段话,给想读而读不下去的同学参考,没这两句话,我也读不下去。第一句:Now, do you need to establish a relationship with a personal DIVINE to become a good trader? No, you don't. All you need to do is adopt the Level 1 transformations given in the first part of the book.(page 194, para 2). 第二句话:For those of you who get queasy at the mention of the words "GOD", "Higher Power", or "Faith", I completely understand where you're come from. I was the same way not that long ago (more on that later). For now, I would just ask that you contemplate the following question: Although nobody knows the truth about whether GOD or some other Higher Power exists, if it is useful to believe in an Infinite Intelligence that can lend you a helping hand and provide guidance when needed, then why not believe in It? What if miraculous things start to happen when you actually believe it (i.e., have faith)? Wouldn't that be useful? (page 257, para 2 (谈股论金)  792次阅读

作者: 伍点墨 @, 发表于: 2016-12-17 (2841天前) @ 花非花


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