Happy Christmas (war is over) 祝各位新老朋友圣诞快乐,新年愉快!节日到了,多发一首歌,哈哈。。。 (我是歌手) 2786次阅读
观看【老乔治】的博客So this is Xmas
And what have you done
Another year over
And a new one just begun
And so this is Xmas
I hope you have fun
The near and the dear one
The old and the young
A very Merry Xmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear
And so this is Xmas (war is over)
For weak and for strong (if you want it)
For rich and the poor ones (war is over)
The world is so wrong (if you want it)
And so happy Xmas (war is over)
For black and for white (if you want it)
For yellow and red ones (war is over)
Let's stop all the fight (now)
A very Merry Xmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear
And so this is Xmas (war is over)
And what have we done (if you want it)
Another year over (war is over)
A new one just begun (if you want it)
And so happy Xmas (war is over)
We hope you have fun (if you want it)
The near and the dear one (war is over)
The old and the young (now)
A very Merry Xmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear
War is over, if you want it
War is over now
Happy Xmas
- Happy Christmas (war is over) 祝各位新老朋友圣诞快乐,新年愉快!节日到了,多发一首歌,哈哈。。。 - 老乔治, 2016-12-24
- 沙发!老乔嗓音浑厚,深情温暖,帖子应情应景。祝全家圣诞快乐! - 灶君, 2016-12-24
- 来来来,先干它三杯。。。祝全家节日快乐! - 老乔治, 2016-12-24
- 哈哈,正喝着呢!并在看 football -- Packers vs Vikings。 - 灶君, 2016-12-24
- 来来来,先干它三杯。。。祝全家节日快乐! - 老乔治, 2016-12-24
- 爬梯板凳。 - 我为诗歌狂, 2016-12-24
- 来,也与狂MM干一杯。。。 - 老乔治, 2016-12-24
- 嗯,拿98年的红酒和乔老爷干一杯呵呵呵。乔老爷唱的很洋气很应景呵呵,圣诞快乐新年快乐~~~ - 我为诗歌狂, 2016-12-26
- 来,也与狂MM干一杯。。。 - 老乔治, 2016-12-24
- the war is over, and at last, we are free ~:) - yijuhua, 2016-12-24
- HAPPY Christmas!Happy New Year!Bravo 乔治兄!深情厚磁的激情演唱,为你激情鼓掌! - 点滴, 2016-12-24
- 老乔唱得真情感人,祝节日快乐! - 山中野花静静开, 2016-12-24
- 好厉害!声音浑厚,直冲云霄。圣诞快乐! - 小马识途, 2016-12-24
- 好应景的歌,用迎接和平的心情迎接新的一年,就会更懂得珍惜,更懂得充分享受每一份美好,谢谢本家。圣诞新年快乐:) - 丽桥游子, 2016-12-24
- 圣诞占座 - 修理小子, 2016-12-24
- 乔治大哥这首歌太应景了!我超级喜欢这首歌的,好几个版本都听过了。乔治大哥气息真好,这首歌很难唱的,掌声鲜花献给大哥!祝乔治大哥圣诞快乐,新年快乐! - 乐乐, 2016-12-24
- 感觉乔大哥最适合圣诞歌曲!我昨天在公司大楼一直听,不断循环播放的圣诞歌,就跟乔大哥的特色一模一样!大哥在客栈兢兢业业务实勤劳,辛苦了!圣诞快乐! - 修理小子, 2016-12-24
- 祝乔治兄圣诞节快乐!唱的好美,赞! - 秋叶飘洒, 2016-12-25
- 再送一座圣诞金鼎! - 星月, 2016-12-25
- 唱的非常高贵华丽! - 唱唱唱, 2016-12-25
- 祝老乔治聖誕新年快樂。 多唱靚歌與大家分享 :-) - 佩仪, 2016-12-25
- 乔治唱的很棒,会唱英文歌的我都很佩服。 - mb8868, 2016-12-25
- 好事成双嘛!乔治兄的好彩头!再祝节日快乐! - 剑剑风流, 2016-12-25
- 真情感人的演绎, 祝乔治大哥节日快乐! - 如苏, 2016-12-25
- 乔治老师的演唱字正腔圆,韵味十足,很棒的演绎。祝节日快乐! - 守望, 2016-12-26
- 乔大哥圣诞快乐新年快乐! - 春之歌, 2016-12-26
- 这一首木有下面那首好!But Merry Christmas还是要说到!:) - 老地雷, 2016-12-26
- 乔大哥歌声洋溢着满满的祝福,也同祝福你,嘎嘎。。。 - 小鱼儿, 2016-12-26
- 再来为你这首节日歌曲鼓掌,也祝你节日快乐! - 海石, 2016-12-27
- 乔治哥双节快乐!!! - 玉兰花开, 2016-12-28
- 沙发!老乔嗓音浑厚,深情温暖,帖子应情应景。祝全家圣诞快乐! - 灶君, 2016-12-24