Is This Saudi Arabia's Newest Strategy To Boost Oil Prices? (谈股论金) 564次阅读
观看【xiaosan】的博客Is This Saudi Arabia's Newest Strategy To Boost Oil Prices?
Submitted by Nick Cunningham via,
OPEC’s new strategy to balance the oil market is to cut oil exports to the U.S., a move intended to drain near-record-high crude oil inventories.
OPEC originally thought that six months of combined production cuts would be sufficient to balance the oil market, but the market still looks oversupplied. Not everyone agrees on this. The IEA has argued that we probably have already reached “balance,” which is to say, demand has caught up with supply. The energy agency says that the market is moving into a supply deficit situation in the second half of this year, if it hasn’t already.
But the problem is that the one metric that OPEC officials themselves have held up as the key barometer to watch is the level of global crude oil inventories, rather than the immediate supply/demand balance. And on that front, they sort of shot themselves in the foot by ramping up exports just ahead of the implementation of the cuts late last year.
Elevated exports in November and December meant that huge volumes of oil started reaching U.S. shores in January. It is no wonder that U.S. inventories surged in the first quarter. The flood of oil set back OPEC’s efforts right off the bat, and even close-to-100-percent compliance on the production cuts was not enough to drain inventories at the speed needed to declare victory by June.
The huge increase in U.S. inventories means that OPEC needs six months just to get inventories back to where they started at the end of last year. “Producers unintentionally accelerated activities that would ultimately obstruct, and for a period reverse, the very rebalancing they were trying to accelerate,” Ed Morse, head of commodities research at Citigroup, said in April.
So, here we are, back at the starting line, this time with a promise of nine more months of cuts. OPEC’s strategy this time around is to directly target U.S. inventories, rather than simply taking barrels off of the global market. “Exports to the U.S. will drop measurably,” Saudi energy minister Khalid Al-Falih told reporters after the OPEC meeting last week. Some sources familiar with the Saudi strategy told Bloomberg that Saudi oil exports to the U.S. will drop below 1 million barrels per day in June, a reduction of 15 percent below the average so far in 2017. If the Saudis keep exports below the 1 mb/d threshold, it will be the lowest level of exports to the U.S. in years.
In a global marketplace, why does it really matter where the Saudis send their oil? In terms of global supply, a barrel sent to Asia is the same as a barrel exported to the U.S., so what’s the point of targeting the U.S., specifically?
The logic is that the U.S. has nearly real-time data on crude oil storage, unlike most other places in the world – data that is publicly available. Some analysts believe that oil inventories have been falling around the world for quite a while even as they climbed in the U.S., but because the markets pay close attention to U.S. data, the increase in U.S. inventories in the first quarter weighed on sentiment and prices. After all, nobody really knows what is going on with storage levels in China, for example.
But precisely because the U.S. has transparent data, Saudi officials believe that they can provide a jolt to the market but attempting to put a dent in storage tanks along the U.S. Gulf Coast. The strategy could have some merit. “The market has been given clear independent and verifiable metric of how Saudi cuts — and hopefully broader OPEC — are working out over the summer,” Amrita Sen, chief oil analyst at Energy Aspects Ltd., told Bloomberg.
It will take a bit of time for the effects to be felt. The typical transit time for an oil tanker from the Middle East runs from 35 to 55 days, according to Bloomberg, which means that the U.S. import data should start showing some signs of the strategy by mid-July. If imports drop off, that will mean more oil will have to be drained out of storage. When that occurs, oil traders will grow more confident that the market is on the mend.
Of course, if Saudi Arabia simply reroutes some of those exports to Asia, then inventories in Asia could rise. But, because the data is poor, the markets might not realize that the barrels originally destined for U.S. shores are not actually coming off the market but are turning up
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分析师称,目前支撑黄金的动力主要来自欧洲政局的不稳。英国周二的民意调查显示,6月8日选举前首相特蕾莎.梅的支持率5月份领先反对派工党下降了6%。希望看到特蕾莎·梅可能以压倒多数赢得胜利,似乎不太可能发生。如果梅以目前的略微领先地位赢得胜利,那将会对她的脱欧谈判不利而对黄金形成支撑。在意大利,前总理Matteo Renzi任齐周日建议,国家下一届选举与德国大选同时举行,德国将于9月24日进行选举,意大利是到2018年5月。欧元区财长未能就希腊债务达成一致,国际货币基金组织上周的救济也增加了避险情绪。本周黄金市场的关注点是周五到期的美国非农就业数据,如果数据比较强劲,黄金可能会从目前的水平下跌,美元则会走强;反之,若数据不及预期,黄金下跌的可能性将会大幅减少。 - 新东, 2017-05-30
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- 小伞,海豚,早上好!谢谢你们的分享! - 新东, 2017-05-31
- 谢谢小伞 海豚 新东! - stone, 2017-05-31
- 小伞,海豚,新东!谢谢你们的分享! - 大笨蛋, 2017-05-31
- 小伞,海豚,早上好!谢谢你们的分享! - 新东, 2017-05-31
- 【周三美股盘前你需要了解的全球资讯】 国际油价一度跌超3%,利比亚和美国增产加剧供应过剩疑虑。 媒体称,特朗普决定让美国退出巴黎气候协定。 美联储Kaplan(有投票权):今年加息三次是基准预测,美联储年内应开始缩表。 中国5月官方制造业PMI持平于51.2,好于预期;官方非制造业PMI上升。 在岸、离岸人民币兑美元双双大幅飙涨。 媒体:欧盟委员会将提出旨在加强欧元区的建议,包括发行共同债券并实行统一预算。 民调显示英国保守党在6月8日大选中可能无法取得绝对多数。 意大利前总理伦齐:主要政党均支持实施比例代表选举制,即各政党需获得5%以上选票才能进入议会。 中国国务院开展第四次大督查,重点内容包括防范重点领域风险等。 日本4月工业产出创近六年最大增幅,并触及2008年来最高水准。 日经225指数收跌0.1%,沪指涨0.2至逾三周新高;恒指跌0.2%。 关注稍晚的美国5月芝加哥PMI、4月成屋签约销售指数、美联储褐皮书、上周API原油库存等。 - 新东, 2017-05-31
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- 美国能源信息署(EIA):美国3月原油产出环比增长0.7%,至910万桶/日,2月份上修至903.6万桶/日。 (华尔街见闻7x24直播 不止是快) - 新东, 2017-05-31
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- 谢谢新东,海豚和小伞的分享!辛苦了! - 立秋, 2017-05-31
- 美国5月26日当周API原油库存-867万桶,预期-283万桶,前值-150万桶。
美国5月26日当周API库欣地区原油库存-75.3万桶,前值-21万桶。 - lanta99, 2017-05-31
- 谢谢塔塔! - 新东, 2017-05-31
- 谢谢塔塔, 东东, 小伞, 海豚, inhale - lantian99, 2017-05-31
- 这报告是相当的利多,今天有买进UWT的可以明天在16.6-17元卖出。EIA的报告不一定会如此利多! - 雅歌, 2017-05-31
- 谢谢老师解读。 - 新东, 2017-05-31
- 谢谢塔塔! - 新东, 2017-05-31