
有没有人告诉你 (我是歌手)  4921次阅读

作者: 一片老姜 @, 发表于: 2014-09-16 (3657天前)
编辑: 一片老姜, 时间: 星期三, 九月 17, 2014, 01:17


有没有人告诉你/Did Anyone Tell You

我眼里有一池无底的寒潭 I have a deep pool in my eyes

你的纠结扔进去 Drop your dilemma there

今生的苦将慢慢化掉 Your pain in this life will go away

不再浮起 Never come back again

我心中有一个密封的石坛 I have a sealed jar in my heart

你的秘密放进去 Bury your secrets there

俗世的尘会渐渐沉静 The dust in your world will settle

化做醇酒 turning into beautiful wine

我的灵魂像一只逐浪的小鱼 My soul is a fish drifting with the waves

你的诱饵抛过来 Throw me your hook and bait

它愿意 He is ready to

在你准备的案板上 Stand on your cutting board

跳一曲 And dance

地老天荒 To the end of the life

有没有人曾告诉你我很爱你 Did anyone tell you that I love you

有没有人曾在你日记里哭泣 Are there tears in your diary

有没有人告诉你 Did anyone tell you

世界上没有最远的距离 The most distant way doesn’t exist

只有最近的心 When the hearts are together



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