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Seabird 建议:2018/03/14日更新。 (谈股论金)  4963次阅读

作者: 雅歌 @, 发表于: 2017-12-12 (2483天前)


spy--2530-2900 this trip; then 2900-2600 next trip 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-02-20, 15:19 […] [○] [x]
spy--2700-2740, then 2740-2700, today 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-02-22, 12:58 […] [○] [x]
spy--2530-2800, then 2800-2730 next, in short term 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-02-26, 13:11 […] [○] [x]
Ugaz—50-100 roughly; ugaz--54-60 next, on trend line in short term. in up trend now. 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-02-22, 07:28 […] [○] [x]
Ugaz—54-60 first, then 56-62 next, on trend line, buy on dip, see my chart here - seabird58, 2018-02-23, 08:38 […] [○] [x]
Seabird, any update for natural gas? 没有文字 - signal, 2018-03-06, 10:07 […] [○] [x]
同问 没有文字 - su759527, 2018-03-06, 12:29 […] [○] [x]
+1 没有文字 - JN1991, 2018-03-06, 13:14 […] [○] [x]
sco--18-35 in midterm; but 26-18 in short term. 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-02-26, 13:14 […] [○] [x]
spy--2800-2500 next, short on rebound at 2730 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-03-01, 16:37 […] [○] [x]
spy--2650-2720, short on rebound; Tvix --11-8, buy on dip;Uvxy--20-15, buy on dip - seabird58, 2018-03-02, 20:21 […] [○] [x]
spy--2730-2630 next roughly, 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-03-05, 15:26 […] [○] [x]
thanks 没有文字 - 物极必反, 2018-03-06, 00:36 […] [○] [x]
thank u very much 没有文字 - daydreaming, 2018-03-06, 08:35 […] [○] [x]
海鸟觉得labd会怎么走? 没有文字 - algo, 2018-03-06, 09:09 […] [○] [x]
海鸟的准确率非常高 没有文字 - algo, 2018-03-06, 09:40 […] [○] [x]
同意。 海鳥神准。 没有文字 - 故乡的云, 2018-03-06, 10:45 […] [○] [x]
+1! 没有文字 - 望闻问切, 2018-03-09, 14:29 […] [○] [x]
+1 没有文字 - kjamesnz, 2018-03-12, 16:39 […] [○] [x]
+1 没有文字 - kiveny, 2018-03-13, 13:24 […] [○] [x]
谢谢! 没有文字 - 望闻问切, 2018-03-07, 15:34 […] [○] [x]
Spy— could be 2650-2820 since daily chart just turned bullish, see chart here; should put stop at your buy price if u short it - seabird58, 2018-03-06, 10:44 […] [○] [x]
海鸟,能不能受累截个图看看?谢谢! 没有文字 - 北极熊熊, 2018-03-06, 12:18 […] [○] [x]
see daily chart above 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-03-06, 13:35 […] [○] [x]
不明白,这和昨天的图有什么区别,为什么昨天说2730-2630,今天又改涨了呢?还是说您认为2720是个阻力,突破2720就看上涨? 没有文字 - 北极熊熊, 2018-03-06, 13:44 […] [○] [x]
spy--KD line on daily chart is closed today, may cross up soon, (IWM--KD line crossed up already, bullish sign) 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-03-06, 15:32 […] [○] [x]
海鸟可不可以说说天然气? 没有文字 - JN1991, 2018-03-06, 15:50 […] [○] [x]
谢谢解惑! 没有文字 - 北极熊熊, 2018-03-06, 15:50 […] [○] [x]
谢谢海鸟的图! 没有文字 - 北极熊熊, 2018-03-06, 13:50 […] [○] [x]
海鳥, 我敢覺死皮會蹦2685 去呢? 没有文字 - 故乡的云, 2018-03-07, 12:36 […] [○] [x]
Yes, should be 2650-2760, or 2650-2820 if break up triangle but may pull back in between 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-03-07, 13:38 […] [○] [x]
gas--daily chart is topped, may pull back from 2.8-2.5; do not feel good to short it since weekly chart is going up ; maybe wait for a pull back, unless Dgaz breaks up trend line 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-03-06, 16:55 […] [○] [x]
谢谢您 没有文字 - JN1991, 2018-03-07, 09:04 […] [○] [x]
"gas--daily chart is topped" is not true from any indicator. 没有文字 - 外星客人, 2018-03-07, 09:25 […] [○] [x]
Daily Stoch and B band are topped, 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-03-07, 10:12 […] [○] [x]
RSI is noly 51.33 now, which chart are you look at ? 没有文字 - 外星客人, 2018-03-07, 10:22 […] [○] [x]
sorry, I meant: daily stoch is 88 now, B band shows 64-51;. 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-03-07, 13:29 […] [○] [x]
ugaz--64-58 in short term, I mean RSI is topped on 10 days chart 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-03-07, 13:36 […] [○] [x]
thanks 没有文字 - merycl, 2018-03-07, 11:41 […] [○] [x]
多谢! 没有文字 - su759527, 2018-03-07, 11:52 […] [○] [x]
ugaz--could be 64-50 again since daily chart was topped, as long as gas hold under 2.8. 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-03-09, 12:31 […] [○] [x]
+1! 没有文字 - banff2017, 2018-03-09, 12:54 […] [○] [x]
多谢! 没有文字 - su759527, 2018-03-09, 13:42 […] [○] [x]
dgaz--25.5-27.5 for day trade; daily stoch is bottomed, but macd is still bearish, weekly stoch is still bearish, not sure if it will break up 28 or not, ok for day trade if hold from 25.5-27.5 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-03-12, 14:49 […] [○] [x]
thanks! 没有文字 - Dreamthedream, 2018-03-12, 15:59 […] [○] [x]
Gas—broke up 2.8, will be $3 next, MACD and weekly is going up; Dgaz— should stop it at 26, could be 17 again; Ugaz— follow its original pattern, 60-66, then 62-68 next 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-03-13, 08:37 […] [○] [x]
谢谢! 没有文字 - signal, 2018-03-13, 09:34 […] [○] [x]
spy--2820-2670 next, on trend line. 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-03-13, 13:36 […] [○] [x]
maybe spy was topped at 2805 already, since daily chart was topped, short on rebound 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-03-13, 18:33 […] [○] [x]
labu--70-120, then 120-80 next, labd--opposite, could be 2.5 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-03-13, 13:50 […] [○] [x]
thanks 没有文字 - 物极必反, 2018-03-13, 15:52 […] [○] [x]
thx! 没有文字 - presenter, 2018-03-14, 08:38

Labd—4.5-2.3 next 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-02-15, 09:24 […] [○] [x]
谢谢,新年快乐 没有文字 - zwbbb, 2018-02-15, 10:12 […] [○] [x]
谢谢海鸟!新年快乐! 没有文字 - onroad925, 2018-02-20, 01:10 […] [○] [x]
gas--honogram on macd is getting smaller, KD line and opening mouth on macd is getting smaller, gas is near bottom; ugaz--opening mouth is almost closed, buy on dip; all TA charts are near bottom. dgaz--was topped at 33., up trend line was broken down 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-02-20, 12:34 […] [○] [x]
谢谢海鸟。 没有文字 - leilei, 2018-02-20, 15:06 […] [○] [x]
thanks 没有文字 - 物极必反, 2018-02-21, 09:49 […] [○] [x]
spy--broke down trend line at 2720, will be 2680 next 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-02-20, 15:19 […] [○] [x]
Thanks 没有文字 - onroad925, 2018-02-22, 01:23 […] [○] [x]
Ugaz— buy on dip around 56 in pre mkt. if u did not buy it yesterday 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-02-22, 07:28 […] [○] [x]
Ugaz 能到多少呢? 没有文字 - mia, 2018-02-22, 08:35 […] [○] [x]
还是80 吗?谢谢 没有文字 - mia, 2018-02-22, 08:36 […] [○] [x]
同问 没有文字 - 寸草心, 2018-02-22, 10:14 […] [○] [x]
Gas—2.5-3; Ugaz—50-100, roughly 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-02-22, 10:54 […] [○] [x]
谢谢你! 没有文字 - su759527, 2018-02-22, 11:38 […] [○] [x]

spy--2530-2630, just broke up 2650, now became up trend. spy-- short must stop after broke up 2650 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-02-12, 14:56 […] [○] [x]
+1 没有文字 - onroad925, 2018-02-13, 04:51 […] [○] [x]
Thanks! 没有文字 - BlessedLee, 2018-02-13, 09:05 […] [○] [x]
thanks 没有文字 - 芳华萱, 2018-02-13, 09:50 […] [○] [x]
谢谢! 没有文字 - sva2017, 2018-02-13, 12:29 […] [○] [x]
spy--2630-2680 next in short term 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-02-13, 13:34 […] [○] [x]
谢谢 没有文字 - 卫嘴子, 2018-02-13, 17:26 […] [○] [x]
HI, SEABIRD, how about spy next?, UGAZ up to $80 still? thank u. 没有文字 - daydreaming, 2018-02-14, 12:11 […] [○] [x]
+1 没有文字 - onroad925, 2018-02-14, 12:36 […] [○] [x]
谢谢 没有文字 - kjamesnz, 2018-02-13, 17:00 […] [○] [x]
spy--2500-2800, buy on dip, sell on rally, then repeat. spy--sell on each resistance at 2720, then 2820 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-02-14, 13:09 […] [○] [x]
gas 3.6-2.4; ugaz--105-40; dgaz--17-40, 30-35 in short term, put a stop at 29.9; 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-02-14, 13:11 […] [○] [x]
thank u very much 没有文字 - daydreaming, 2018-02-14, 13:20 […] [○] [x]
nugt--21-38 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-02-14, 14:12 […] [○] [x]
labd--trading range is 2.8-4.5, then 4.5-2.8 next 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-02-14, 14:13 […] [○] [x]
谢谢海鸟的辛苦付出!拜个早年!健康快乐!财源滚滚! 没有文字 - jc23, 2018-02-15, 00:58 […] [○] [x]
thanks 没有文字 - 物极必反, 2018-02-15, 08:45 […] [○] [x]
sco--will be 18-35; but 26-18 in short term 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-02-14, 14:16

dgaz --17-43 on trend line, MACD is going up, buy on dip; may not have a big dip since red line on daily stoch did not cross down black line. buy on dip, sell half if goes up more, then repeat. hold another half from 17-43. ugaz--could be 105-40, should not buy it for a quick rebound, should wait for 45-40 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-02-08, 16:44 […] [○] [x]
Thanks. 没有文字 - Eva, 2018-02-08, 17:00 […] [○] [x]
谢谢 没有文字 - 卫嘴子, 2018-02-09, 06:58 […] [○] [x]
谢谢Seabird, do you have analysis on GDX and Gold? 没有文字 - 物极必反, 2018-02-09, 11:39 […] [○] [x]
谢谢seabird. 能预测ASHR或上证指数吗?谢谢你! 没有文字 - 故乡的云, 2018-02-09, 12:00 […] [○] [x]
谢谢 没有文字 - 大笨蛋, 2018-02-09, 12:27 […] [○] [x]
谢谢你! 没有文字 - su759527, 2018-02-09, 13:19 […] [○] [x]
spy--was 2720-2530, then 2530-2630 rebound 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-02-09, 13:04 […] [○] [x]
spy--was 2720-2530, then 2530-2650 rebound - 股海小鱼, 2018-02-09, 13:56 […] [○] [x]
labd--sell at 4.5, buy on dip later (when spy is 2630) 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-02-09, 13:14 […] [○] [x]
+1 没有文字 - onroad925, 2018-02-09, 14:48 […] [○] [x]
spy--2880-2400 on 3 yrs chart short on each rebound; 2630-2500 next, in short term, unless breaks up 2630 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-02-09, 16:02 […] [○] [x]
nugt--20-38 next, on trend line 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-02-09, 16:03 […] [○] [x]
请问多久能到,谢谢。 没有文字 - haoqi, 2018-02-09, 17:20 […] [○] [x]
同问。 没有文字 - leilei, 2018-02-12, 09:44 […] [○] [x]
thanks 没有文字 - 物极必反, 2018-02-10, 00:26 […] [○] [x]
Ugaz— IF breaks up 54, it will be 52-80, otherwise no big rebound , It is not bottomed yet in Midterm Dgaz— if breaks down 30, could be 32-25 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-02-12, 01:43 […] [○] [x]
+1 没有文字 - onroad925, 2018-02-12, 03:49 […] [○] [x]
谢谢! 没有文字 - signal, 2018-02-12, 08:35 […] [○] [x]
谢谢海鸟,很高兴听到这个消息,之前卖出的u气刚又买回来了。希望多多更新啊。 没有文字 - daydreaming, 2018-02-12, 08:48 […] [○] [x]
Should watch 54, before u buy it , not breaks up yet 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-02-12, 09:12 […] [○] [x]
谢谢。 没有文字 - 卫嘴子, 2018-02-12, 09:32 […] [○] [x]
紧握D气,没买U。谢谢海鸟!!! 没有文字 - 卫嘴子, 2018-02-12, 09:36 […] [○] [x]
謝謝 没有文字 - iceman, 2018-02-12, 09:49 […] [○] [x]
谢谢,或许 买早了。怕错过啊 没有文字 - daydreaming, 2018-02-12, 09:33 […] [○] [x]
Gas— 3,6—2.5 or 2.35 in midterm 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-02-12, 09:52 […] [○]

dgaz --17-43 on trend line, MACD is going up, buy on dip; may not have a big dip since red line on daily stoch did not cross down black line. buy on dip, sell half if goes up more, then repeat. hold another half from 17-43. ugaz--could be 105-40, should not buy it for a quick rebound, should wait for 45-40 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-02-08, 16:44

spy--was 2720-2530, then 2530-2630 rebound 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-02-09, 13:04

spy--was 2720-2530, then 2530-2650 rebound - 股海小鱼, 2018-02-09, 13:56 […] [○] [x]
labd--sell at 4.5, buy on dip later (when spy is 2630) 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-02-09, 13:14

spy--2880-2400 on 3 yrs chart short on each rebound; 2630-2500 next, in short term, unless breaks up 2630 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-02-09, 16:02 […] [○] [x]
nugt--20-38 next, on trend line 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-02-09, 16:03 […] [○]

Spy—2720-2580 next, in short term 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-02-08, 06:50 […] [○] [x]
dgaz --17-43 on trend line, MACD is going up, buy on dip; may not have a big dip since red line on daily stoch did not cross down black line. buy on dip, sell half if goes up more, then repeat. hold another half from 17-43. ugaz--could be 105-50, should not buy it for a quick rebound, should wait for 50-45 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-02-08, 16:44 […] [○] [x]
Thanks. 没有文字 - Eva, 2018-02-08, 17:00 […] [○] [x]
谢谢 没有文字 - 卫嘴子, 2018-02-09, 06:58

Spy—2880-2530 possible, see chart here; 200 MA is 2512, which is a strong support, put a stop under 2510; Tvix is 20, Upro is 116 - seabird58, 2018-02-06, 09:03 […] [○] [x]
谢谢海鸟! 没有文字 - 故乡的云, 2018-02-06, 11:26 […] [○] [x]
spy --2587-2787 rebound, looks like, daily TA is bottomed; stop if 2587 support is broken down 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-02-06, 13:48 […] [○] [x]
labu 110-80, on trend line, could be bottomed already; labd--2.8-4.1, could be topped 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-02-06, 13:49 […] [○] [x]
谢谢海鸟 没有文字 - daydreaming, 2018-02-06, 19:48 […] [○] [x]
Spy—2720-2580 next, in short term 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-02-08, 06:50 […]

Ugaz— broke down 10 days up trend line at 87, should stop it at 85; ugaz--still hold monthly trend line at 80, still in uptrend if 80 can be held, see chart here - seabird58, 2018-01-31, 10:07 […] [○] [x]
Dgaz--broke up 10 days down trendline at 20.5, MACD KD line/ opening mouth is closed, may go up more if gas can not hold 2.95, see chart here - seabird58, 2018-01-31, 12:20 […] [○] [x]
gas-- 2.95 is bottom of the trend line, it will be up if 2.95 is held, it will be down if 2.95 is breaken, see chart here - seabird58, 2018-01-31, 19:25 […] [○] [x]
Dgaz—17-43 on weekly chart, in midterm - seabird58, 2018-02-01, 10:17 […] [○] [x]
Dgaz— may pull back from 24.5-22.5, then 22.5-27 next, looks like on trend line, in short term, buy on dip, see chart here; - seabird58, 2018-02-01, 10:54 […] [○] [x]
ugaz--69-75, may rebound,see chart here - seabird58, 2018-02-01, 12:49 […] [○] [x]
dgaz--22.5-27, in up trend, buy on dip, see chart here; - seabird58, 2018-02-02, 14:16 […] [○] [x]
谢谢海鸟! 没有文字 - LRH, 2018-02-02, 22:03 […] [○] [x]
spy--will be 2880-2680, should stop xiv and svxy at 2770 now since "DOWN trend line" was broken at 2780, then should short on each rebound. 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-02-02, 14:51 […] [○] [x]
Labu—110-75, buy on dip, stop at 70; labd--2.8-4.5 oughly, sell it when Labu is 75 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-02-02, 15:09 […] [○] [x]
谢谢海鸟 没有文字 - 菜鸟, 2018-02-02, 18:30 […] [○] [x]
Thank You! 没有文字 - Goldbeam, 2018-02-02, 19:12 […] [○] [x]
Thanks! our seabird! 没有文字 - jc23, 2018-02-05, 00:00 […] [○] [x]
谢谢海鸟! 没有文字 - 寸草心, 2018-02-05, 09:27 […] [○] [x]
Dgaz—17–28, should take profit since daily chart is topped; could be 23-31 next trip; 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-02-05, 10:30 […] [○] [x]
Thanks 没有文字 - Newbie1998, 2018-02-05, 10:41 […] [○] [x]
Thank you 没有文字 - 菜鸟, 2018-02-05, 12:38 […] [○] [x]
谢谢海鸟! 没有文字 - LRH, 2018-02-05, 13:02 […] [○] [x]
谢谢海鸟! 没有文字 - sva2017, 2018-02-05, 13:29 […] [○] [x]
Ugaz—105-45, roughly 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-02-06, 08:18 […] [○] [x]
tvix will be 6-20 on trend line; upro--will be 170-110; should wait until upro is 110 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-02-05, 16:01 […] [○] [x]
thank u seabird,how about ugaz? 没有文字 - daydreaming, 2018-02-05, 19:55 […] [○] [x]
Dgaz— buy on dip; Ugaz— not yet, should not buy Ugaz when it is in down trend , 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-02-06, 08:15 […] [○] [x]
谢谢海鸟! 没有文字 - onroad925, 2018-02-06, 02:11 […] [○] [x]
Spy—2880-2530 possible, see chart here; 200 MA is 2512, which is a strong support, put a stop under 2510; Tvix is 20, Upro is 116 - seabird58, 2018-02-06, 09:03 […] [○] [x]
谢谢海鸟! 没有文字 - 故乡的云, 2018-02-06, 11:26

Gas — 3.6-3.2, in short term on Stockcharts, maybe due to backwardation; but Ugaz is 85-105 on Fidelity chart, maybe Fidelity is more accurate; so strange, see stockchart here - seabird58, 2018-01-25, 00:27 […] [○] [x]
Gas— could be 2.5-4.5, buy on dip, sell half is goes up, then repeat, still in up trend. 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-01-25, 10:35 […] [○] [x]
Gas—Could be 2.5-4.7 during Wave 3, in 2018, see my calculations here - seabird58, 2018-01-26, 08:20 […] [○] [x]
Ugaz—85-100, then 90-105 next , in up trend , see chart here, Backwardation is bullish - seabird58, 2018-01-26, 08:39 […] [○] [x]


Ugaz—60-85, on fidelity chart, 60-90 on stockcharts.com; dgaz--32-22 on fidelity chart, 32-20 on stockcharts.com; See my chart here; - seabird58, 2018-01-11, 17:07 […] [○] [x]
ugaz--60-95, then 95-75, looks like, see fidelity chart here; - seabird58, 2018-01-17, 12:04 […] [○] [x]

gas--2.53-3.53; just broke up at 2.23, next top could be 3.35; gas is in up trend now, should buy on dip, not short, or short less; 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-01-17, 12:16 […] [○] [x]
dgaz--32-20, should stop it under 22 since gas broke up 3.23, next top will be 3.35, then 3.5; I could be wrong, for your reference only 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-01-17, 13:42 […] [○] [x]


UCO--14-30 in mid term; see charts.here; uco--26.5-22.5 in short term; Sco—50-18 in mid term; - seabird58, 2018-01-18, 08:52 […] [○] [x]
ugaz--60-90, then should pull back from 90-70 dgaz--32-22, then 22-28 next; see charts here - seabird58, 2018-01-18, 13:04 […] [○] [x]
Ugaz—50-90, then 90-45 next, in midterm, see my previous chart here ; Dgaz—43-20, then 20-45 next, roughly; - seabird58, 2018-01-19, 13:30 […] [○] [x]

ugaz--may break up 90, could be 75-95, then pull back from 95-85 or 80, still in up trend, see short term chart here - seabird58, 2018-01-23, 15:30 […] [○] [x]
dgaz--should stop it after ugaz pull back from 95-85 or 80 u can hold dgaz only if MACD KD line/opening mouth is closed. 没有文字 - seabird58, 2018-01-23, 15:44 […] [○] [x]

Ugaz—broke up “Falling Wedge” at 90, next top could be 130 on B band, or 200 on weekly chart , see charts here - seabird58, 2018-01-24, 07:29 […] [○] [x]


Dgaz— must stop it under 20; Next bottom could be 43-17 on B band, then 43-13 on weekly trend line; See chart here - seabird58, 2018-01-24, 07:43 […]

ugaz--60-90 on trend line; dgaz--32-20 on trend line; See my chart here - seabird58, 2018-01-11, 17:07

dgaz--24-32, then 32-20 if broke down triangle, as I said; see chart here - seabird58, 2018-01-09, 16:13 […] [○] [x]

sco--50-18, then 18-38 on trend line, see chart here - seabird58, 2018-01-09, 19:35

gas--3.1-2.8, should pull back; Ugaz—50-80, Then 60-90 next trip; Dgaz—24-34, on trend line - seabird58, 2018-01-02, 10:06 […] [○] [x]

I got option 2 here : Ugaz could be 80-45 See my chart here - seabird58, 2018-01-04, 16:16 […] [○] [x]

Gas — weekly chart shows gas is moving between 3.1-2.6, right now until it breaks up or breaks down the triangle, See more charts here. - seabird58, 2018-01-05, 01:34 […] [○] [x]

dgaz--24-43, daily stoch is going up, see daily stoch at bottom of this chart; ugaz--80-50 on trend line on 10 days chart. - seabird58, 2018-01-05, 12:45


gas is still in down trend 没有文字 - seabird58, 2017-12-21, 16:26 […] [○] [x]
dgaz and ugaz short term charts are here - seabird58, 2017-12-21, 16:36 […] [○] [x]

Ugaz—45-90 on trend line, on 6 month chart, Still in downtrend , unless breaks up 90, See my chart here - seabird58, 2017-12-28, 03:51 […]

gas--3.2-2.4 on weekly chart, weekly stoch is not bottom yet, RSI is 40 now, could be 30, it is wave 4 now, wave 5 will be lower; see gas downtrend chart here - seabird58, 2017-12-18, 12:52


gas--3.2-2.4 on weekly chart, see my chart at top of the forum; short on each rebound, buying dgaz on dip is better than ugaz 没有文字 - seabird58, 2017-12-18, 12:47

gas--3.20-2.50, see weekly gas chart here - seabird58, 星期四, 十二月 14, 2017, 14:33


dgaz--was 24-34, but it broke up uptrend line at 34,
will be 24-44 next.

ugaz--6.5-9 on Fidelity 10 days chart but 6.5-10 on Fideility monthly chart. - seabird58, 2017-12-08, 19:54 […] [○] [x]
谢海鸟。希望如此,静观其变。 没有文字 - lachine, 2017-12-11, 11:47 […] [○] [x]

X-US metal 20-55 on trend line in long term, see my message here - seabird58, 2017-12-11, 12:25 […]

现在操作太晚了 没有文字 - Tomzeng64, 2017-11-23, 13:17 […] [○] [x]

今年是厄尔尼诺气候。 没有文字 - Tomzeng64, 2017-11-23, 15:13 […] [○] [x]

按照这四周的天气预报和和contange,UGAZ7.5下周就会到,而且可能更低。 没有文字 - Tomzeng64, 2017-11-24, 06:53 […] [○] [x]

dgaz--24-34, buy on dip - seabird58, 2017-11-30, 12:36 […] [○] [x]

Ugaz—10-7 Buy under 7.5 gradually See my chart last week 没有文字 - seabird58, 2017-12-05, 08:57 […] [○] [x]
Thank you very much. 没有文字 - Eva, 2017-12-05, 12:15 […] [○] [x]

Ugaz—6.5-10 on trend line 没有文字 - seabird58, 2017-12-07, 10:56 […] [○] [x]
Thank you very much. 没有文字 - 菜鸟, 2017-12-07, 16:46 […] [○] [x]


(预测UGAZ 30天内会到7.5元)

ugaz--11.5-7.5; may rebound from 8.9-9.9; dgaz--23-34; buy dgaz on dip at 26, hold from 26-34 as a protection to your ugaz Good luck. 没有文字 - seabird58, 2017-11-22, 12:49


ugaz--11.5-7.5 on trend line, see my chart; could get there in 30 days totally based on previous trip. - seabird58, 2017-11-22, 15:40



现在操作太晚了 没有文字 - Tomzeng64, 2017-11-23, 13:17 […] [○] [x]
今年是厄尔尼诺气候。 没有文字 - Tomzeng64, 2017-11-23, 15:13 […] [○] [x]
按照这四周的天气预报和和contange,UGAZ7.5下周就会到,而且可能更低。 没有文字 - Tomzeng64, 2017-11-24, 06:53 […] [○] [x]

dgaz--24-34, buy on dip - seabird58, 2017-11-30, 12:36 […] [○]


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