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I will be honest with you, my friends: Group Chat, or even forums, is not a good place to go if you have a losing position and don't want or don't know how, or don't dare to, stop your loss. Why??? you always find somebody on the same boat with you, a sinking boat, but when you find out you are not alone, you feel very comfortable even the boat is sinking. You need to be an independent thinker to decide yourself. His/Her cost base might be very low so he/she does not need to cut loss but your situation is very well different. Think about it. 跟此贴第一人,送8枚金币。 (谈股论金)  361次阅读

作者: 伍点墨 @, 发表于: 2018-01-10 (2452天前) @ 新东
编辑: 伍点墨, 时间: 星期三, 一月 10, 2018, 08:32


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