Citibank: The $22 billion tax hit reported Tuesday comes mostly from writing down the bank's huge pile of deferred-tax assets. Those are past tax credits and deductions that companies can use to defray future tax bills. At the end of the third quarter, Citigroup had a net of about $45.5 billion in deferred-tax assets that it is working through. That is more than other banks because Citigroup generated huge losses in the financial crisis. Mr. Gerspach said Tuesday that he expected the new tax law would slash the amount of deferred-tax assets to about $ 23 billion . About $3 billion of the $22 billion tax charge came from the newly enacted, one-time charge on U.S. companies' overseas earnings. Citigroup is more focused on overseas markets than some of its peers. (谈股论金) 385次阅读
观看【雅歌】的博客Citigroup Inc. said Tuesday that it lost $18.3 billion in the fourth quarter, its earnings wiped out by a $22 billion charge related to the new tax law.
While the law is expected to help Citigroup and other large U.S. banks over time, it is obscuring this quarter for many with large one-time costs. At Citigroup , that led to the largest quarterly loss ever, which amounted to $7.15 per share.
The tax law also dampened the results of JPMorgan Chase & Co. when it reported last week and is expected to hurt other banks in the fourth quarter as well. But its effect will be deeper at Citigroup , whose tax-related charges are expected to be among the largest of any U.S. company this quarter.
Without the tax charge, the bank would have made $1.28 per share, beating the $1.19 expected by analysts polled by Thomson Reuters . In the quarter that ended a year ago, the bank earned $3.57 billion , or $1.14 per share.
Revenue rose to $17.26 billion from $17.01 billion a year ago. Shares rose 0.9% to $77.54 in morning trading.
In a call with reporters, Chief Financial Officer John Gerspach praised the new tax law as a stimulus both for the bank and its clients. "I think there's a great opportunity for the economy to grow," Mr. Gerspach said.
He brushed off the tax charge as a temporary bump in the road. "It's something we think we can quickly overcome," he said, "and it's not a headwind that causes us to alter any of our existing plans."
The bank run by Chief Executive Michael Corbat already had warned Wall Street about the impact of the tax law and the looming loss, saying last month that it expected to take a hit of about $20 billion to profits this quarter. That was before the tax law was completed.
The $22 billion tax hit reported Tuesday comes mostly from writing down the bank's huge pile of deferred-tax assets. Those are past tax credits and deductions that companies can use to defray future tax bills. At the end of the third quarter, Citigroup had a net of about $45.5 billion in deferred-tax assets that it is working through. That is more than other banks because Citigroup generated huge losses in the financial crisis.
Mr. Gerspach said Tuesday that he expected the new tax law would slash the amount of deferred-tax assets to about $ 23 billion .
About $3 billion of the $22 billion tax charge came from the newly enacted, one-time charge on U.S. companies' overseas earnings. Citigroup is more focused on overseas markets than some of its peers.
Overall, 2017 was a relatively quiet year for Citigroup , missing some of the missteps and scandals that had plagued it in the past.
Mr. Corbat, the CEO since 2012, is focused on returning more capital to shareholders and improving profitability metrics such as return on equity. While there was no profit in the fourth quarter because of the tax charge, on an adjusted basis, Citigroup said return on equity came in at 6.5%. The bank said Tuesday that it still expects to return $ 60 billion to shareholders through 2020, a goal it laid out for investors in July.
Trading revenue, a profit engine for many of the biggest U.S. banks, fell 19% to $2.9 billion from $3.6 billion a year ago. That was in line with what Mr. Gerspach predicted last month, when he said year-over-year trading revenue would be down by a high-teens percentage. Last week, JPMorgan reported a drop in trading revenue that amounted to 17% after adjusting for one-time charges.
- 1/16/2018 聊天室。可以任意发表评论,建议OK - 提交和聊天。也可以在这里提出关于股票的问题,为了方便大家容易集焦在当天股市的交易,其中重要的股票操作建议,会转到上面置顶区里。 - 新东, 2018-01-15
- 沙发. - 小学生, 2018-01-15
- 欢迎挤沙发。 - 小学生, 2018-01-15
- 向你靠拢! - Boars, 2018-01-16
- 挤沙发 - 卫嘴子, 2018-01-16
- 老师早上好,大家早上好! - cat, 2018-01-16
- 挤沙发 - 卫嘴子, 2018-01-16
- 挤进来问声老师/大家早上好。 - 海市, 2018-01-16
- ji - 小豆, 2018-01-16
- 向你靠拢! - Boars, 2018-01-16
- 感觉像黑五买东西啊,头一晚就排队了。:-) - xtool, 2018-01-16
- 欢迎挤沙发。 - 小学生, 2018-01-15
- 1/12: 更新,目前是实验性质,欢迎反馈 - caap2008, 2018-01-15
- 黄金价格由12月12日1238美元涨到现在1341美元,上涨超过100美元, 约8.3%。加拿大Goldcorp(世界第4大金矿公司 代号GG 或者G.TO)已上涨27%。 - 廉颇老矣, 2018-01-15
- +1 - longueuil, 2018-01-16
- 是否还会继续上升呢? - 尕斯湖畔, 2018-01-16
- 谢谢分享 - onroad925, 2018-01-17
- 人生要面对很多不确定性,敢于真心面对的都是勇士。炒股,每分钟都要面对不确定性。我们的对手,是那些作市的庄家,是那些经验丰富的基金管理团队,还有无数智商超群的独狼们。股海泛舟,各显其能,大家交易顺利。今天仅此一贴,欢迎点赞,欢迎打赏金币。 - 伍点墨, 2018-01-16
- 谢谢伍班长。 - 兔子, 2018-01-16
- +1 - longueuil, 2018-01-16
- 谢谢伍班长。 - 牙牙, 2018-01-16
- 谢谢分享! - 望闻问切, 2018-01-16
- 谢谢分享 - xtool, 2018-01-16
- 上来再发一贴,就是告诉大家,我的话你们不要信,也就是我言而无信。比如我说,SVXY 机会又来了,千万别信。 - 伍点墨, 2018-01-16
- MRK is flying to the moon (I hope). - 伍点墨, 2018-01-16
- I sold SVXY @139.49 pre market but only 64 shares done. Funny. - 伍点墨, 2018-01-16
- 没人能做到100%的正确,能与大家分享就是难能可贵的 - 升腾, 2018-01-16
- 点赞。 - HJF-slzw, 2018-01-16
- 谢谢伍老板的鸡汤。百听不厌。 - Boars, 2018-01-16
- 我好想是在拍马屁。好吧,我承认我就是在拍马屁。 - Boars, 2018-01-16
- 猪兄早,祝你交易顺利,天天发财! - HJF-slzw, 2018-01-16
- 谢谢!同发同发! - Boars, 2018-01-16
- 墨墨早!很喜欢看你的帖,虽然没有每次跟帖但每次必看,请继续多多发帖。谢谢! - 芳草茵茵, 2018-01-16
- 点赞, 请发金币。另外我只想赚无经验新手的钱,不敢想赚MM的钱。 - 廉颇老矣, 2018-01-16
- 想不到啊,想不到!你居然盯上了我的瘪瘪的钱包。 - Boars, 2018-01-16
- 猪猪,您的钱包比我的钱包大十倍。您给我发点金币也行。谢谢您。 - 廉颇老矣, 2018-01-16
- 想不到啊,想不到!你居然盯上了我的瘪瘪的钱包。 - Boars, 2018-01-16
- well said, thanks! - 心心, 2018-01-16
- 句句说的实在,却含金量极高 - soul2017, 2018-01-16
- SVXY, 没仓位的现在可以买,有仓位的可以在135.5 加仓 - 伍点墨, 2018-01-16
- 今天金融科技指数都很强 可svxy为啥开盘就走低呢? - 愿来如彼, 2018-01-16
- volatility is up. - 伍点墨, 2018-01-16
- thx - 小豆, 2018-01-22
- 133 建仓了 - 菜鸟, 2018-01-16
- I think it is a bit too early... - Rule100, 2018-01-16
- 今天金融科技指数都很强 可svxy为啥开盘就走低呢? - 愿来如彼, 2018-01-16
- 谢班长鸡汤,受教拉。哈哈 - cat13cat, 2018-01-16
- 谢谢伍班长! - 阳光, 2018-01-16
- 谢谢墨墨! - 心灵净土, 2018-01-16
- 赞伍班的鸡汤! - 升腾, 2018-01-16
- 有SVXY的同学不用过分担心,只要你没用Margin,SVXY 相对来说是安全的,它跌的快,涨的也快。但是如果你的账户用了Margin,要十分小心了,margin call 常常是在你最不该卖的时候发生。如果你的margin已经出现了警示,一定要事先自己选择卖哪一个平仓,不能等到Broker 强迫你平仓。 - 伍点墨, 2018-01-16
- 谢谢分享! - sva2017, 2018-01-16
- 打个广告:如有同学需要金币应应急,请私信我。感谢雅歌老师、狂狂、芳草茵茵同学特意转送给我一批金币!祝大家交易顺利! - Boars, 2018-01-16
- 求求同学们来索取金币吧!都三天没人上门了,生意难做啊!求求你们了...... - Boars, 2018-01-16
- +1 - lazyalex, 2018-01-16
- 猪猪早!早盘有没有出掉Dgaz?我出了一半。 - 芳草茵茵, 2018-01-16
- 我也出了一半 - 海市, 2018-01-16
- 昨天抢跑道了。呜呜呜呜。 - Boars, 2018-01-16
- 没办法,我不割,气跌不下来。mm盯死我了。 - Boars, 2018-01-16
- 昨天不开市,你咋跑的? - 芳草茵茵, 2018-01-16
- 纸上跑的 - 海市, 2018-01-16
- 早上好,我来求金币了,谢谢! - 小迪, 2018-01-16
- 猪哥哥在家吗,生意上门了。;) - rainbowtoronto, 2018-01-16
- 求金币, 谢谢! - 股往金来, 2018-01-16
- 可以发给我一些吗?谢谢 - chifanfan, 2018-01-16
- 求金币=。= - 未名狐, 2018-01-16
- 猪猪,请给我发点金币。灰常感谢。 - 廉颇老矣, 2018-01-16
- 金元 - Rule100, 2018-01-16
- 求金币,口袋里只有6元,谢谢! - VQ, 2018-01-16
- 边摸眼泪,边给你送去100金币。 - Boars, 2018-01-16
- Thank you! Don't cry. - Rule100, 2018-01-16
- 谢谢你的100大洋 - VQ, 2018-01-16
- 多谢猪猪! - conerstone, 2018-01-16
- 边摸眼泪,边给你送去100金币。 - Boars, 2018-01-16
- Coins please, thanks! - conerstone, 2018-01-16
- 猪猪,求金币,谢谢! - LRH, 2018-01-16
- 求求同学们来索取金币吧!都三天没人上门了,生意难做啊!求求你们了...... - Boars, 2018-01-16
- 东东早!大家早!祝大家今天交易顺利! - 芳草茵茵, 2018-01-16
- MOMO,高位已经出的,现在可以加回,设好止损25.49 - 伍点墨, 2018-01-16
- 谢谢墨墨! - 芳草茵茵, 2018-01-16
- 谢谢墨墨! - Rio2016, 2018-01-16
- 谢班长 - cat13cat, 2018-01-16
- 谢谢! - 阳光, 2018-01-16
- 赞! - 路过停留, 2018-01-16
- what is the next stop/support point? - nbning, 2018-01-16
- MOMO 的止损点是很难确定的。我能给你的建议就是你先确定你这一单最大可以容忍的亏损是多少,然后反算一个止损点。虽然这么做不是最正确的操作,但是我假设你在某个价位已经买入了,那么必须设个止损点的话就只能这样了。 - 伍点墨, 2018-01-16
- It makes sense. 谢班长! - nbning, 2018-01-16
- MOMO 的止损点是很难确定的。我能给你的建议就是你先确定你这一单最大可以容忍的亏损是多少,然后反算一个止损点。虽然这么做不是最正确的操作,但是我假设你在某个价位已经买入了,那么必须设个止损点的话就只能这样了。 - 伍点墨, 2018-01-16
- 大家早! - 升腾, 2018-01-16
- Citibank:
The $22 billion tax hit reported Tuesday comes mostly from writing down the bank's huge pile of deferred-tax assets. Those are past tax credits and deductions that companies can use to defray future tax bills. At the end of the third quarter, Citigroup had a net of about $45.5 billion in deferred-tax assets that it is working through. That is more than other banks because Citigroup generated huge losses in the financial crisis.
Mr. Gerspach said Tuesday that he expected the new tax law would slash the amount of deferred-tax assets to about $ 23 billion .
About $3 billion of the $22 billion tax charge came from the newly enacted, one-time charge on U.S. companies' overseas earnings. Citigroup is more focused on overseas markets than some of its peers. - 雅歌, 2018-01-16
- 花旗银行的220亿美元Wite-Off, 是实质减低银行的市值,虽然目前市场不在乎!一个季度花旗银行的季度盈利大约是35亿美元,减税带来的额外盈利大约是(35%-21%=14%)*盈利=4.9亿美元!也就是这减税造成的220亿美元“亏损”(未来不能抵税),要经过220/4.9=44.89个季度的“减税利多因素”才能打平!相当于需要11年的时间!市场现在可以不以为意,可是未来美政府赤字暴增时,国会也可能再度增加企业税!俺不看好银行股!这是严重炒作的板块! - 雅歌, 2018-01-16
- 其它银行虽然没有花旗银行这么大的“亏损”,减税带来的损失也要4-5年的减税带来的额外盈利才能抵销! - 雅歌, 2018-01-16
- 老师,好像是额外盈利7.5亿美元。35*79%/65% -35 =7.5,即使这样,也要30个季度才可以打平。 - 天狼星, 2018-01-16
- 如果盈利是100元,旧税率最高是35%,就需要缴35元的税。现在新税率最高是21%,变成要缴21元的税。所以因税改造成额外的盈利是35-21=14元!俺的计算好像没有错! - 雅歌, 2018-01-16
- $100 是毛利,缴税后的纯利是$65,现在是$79,按纯利算,增长了79/65 -1 =21.5%。$35*21.5% =7.5 - 天狼星, 2018-01-16
- 俺不是说减税后的盈利比率,而是两个不同税率的差距造成要上缴的税额。俺的算法是正确的! - 雅歌, 2018-01-16
- $100 是毛利,缴税后的纯利是$65,现在是$79,按纯利算,增长了79/65 -1 =21.5%。$35*21.5% =7.5 - 天狼星, 2018-01-16
- 如果盈利是100元,旧税率最高是35%,就需要缴35元的税。现在新税率最高是21%,变成要缴21元的税。所以因税改造成额外的盈利是35-21=14元!俺的计算好像没有错! - 雅歌, 2018-01-16
- Thanks - Rosemary, 2018-01-16
- 花旗银行的220亿美元Wite-Off, 是实质减低银行的市值,虽然目前市场不在乎!一个季度花旗银行的季度盈利大约是35亿美元,减税带来的额外盈利大约是(35%-21%=14%)*盈利=4.9亿美元!也就是这减税造成的220亿美元“亏损”(未来不能抵税),要经过220/4.9=44.89个季度的“减税利多因素”才能打平!相当于需要11年的时间!市场现在可以不以为意,可是未来美政府赤字暴增时,国会也可能再度增加企业税!俺不看好银行股!这是严重炒作的板块! - 雅歌, 2018-01-16
- 请问雅歌老师,Twitter 可以买吗? - 忘了, 2018-01-16
- 俺对TWTR不看好,除了川普喜欢用,俺觉得TWTR很难扩大市场占有率!TWTR与微信,LINE, WhatsApp的性质不同,不是社交的工具,而是散布新闻/假新闻的工具! - 雅歌, 2018-01-16
- 谢谢老师回复。 - 忘了, 2018-01-16
- 哈哈,这些社交软件,网站都是散布假新闻的工具 - continent, 2018-01-16
- 俺对TWTR不看好,除了川普喜欢用,俺觉得TWTR很难扩大市场占有率!TWTR与微信,LINE, WhatsApp的性质不同,不是社交的工具,而是散布新闻/假新闻的工具! - 雅歌, 2018-01-16
- 怎么觉得今天大盘要转跌呢。我看unxy今天涨幅要过10% - 尕斯湖畔, 2018-01-16
- 很有盘感嘛! - 天狼星, 2018-01-16
- 瞎蒙对了一回,呵呵。 - 尕斯湖畔, 2018-01-16
- 很有盘感嘛! - 天狼星, 2018-01-16
- 大家交易順利! - Rosemary, 2018-01-16
- ctrp到了前期高点,请问是建议减仓还是持有?谢谢。 - babyfatface, 2018-01-16
- 没人人知道股价明天会如何走。如果你不知道该不该卖,那么有一个选项,卖一半,留一半,这就是说你不会全错,也不会全对。卖一半,锁定盈,留一半,可能继续涨。跌了,你也不会太后悔。 - 伍点墨, 2018-01-16
- 保守起见,今天还是稍微减仓! - 雅歌, 2018-01-16
- 请问老师,NTES 还会下跌一段时间吗? - 升腾, 2018-01-16
- NTES过去三周从377.64元下跌至目前的322.82元,下跌了约55元。14.5%。 可能可以在299-305元时再入场抄底。 - 雅歌, 2018-01-16
- 谢谢老师! - 升腾, 2018-01-16
- NTES过去三周从377.64元下跌至目前的322.82元,下跌了约55元。14.5%。 可能可以在299-305元时再入场抄底。 - 雅歌, 2018-01-16
- 感觉现在的股市像2000年初,每天暴涨。 - -非圣-, 2018-01-16
- 炒股呢,要有点gamesmanship,我等了一上午也没人给我赏金币,鄙视一下自己吧。 - 伍点墨, 2018-01-16
- 我给, 怎么给呀 - ximeika, 2018-01-17
- 雅歌老师:能说说MOMO吗?深水了,多少加仓? - 平常心好, 2018-01-16
- MOMO今天跌破中线26.05元,可以在24.2-25元之间买进做多。MOMO不牵涉到外汇,不会有人民币升值造成的汇损。 - 雅歌, 2018-01-16
- 老师,可以买吗MOS?不知道为何它跌了近5%. - 红枫, 2018-01-16
- MOS可以等24-24.7元时买进。最近气温变化无常,很多地区都很冷,估计要到了三月底,才会开始春耕。所以应该会先下跌。 - 雅歌, 2018-01-16
- For tech companies like IBM, their tax rates may go up this year under the new bill
An accounting charge could result from a write-down of deferred tax assets, Bernstein analysts said of IBM.
The firm believes IBM's normalized tax rate could jump from 15 percent to 20 percent or more. - 雅歌, 2018-01-16
- 现在还可以做空IBM! - 雅歌, 2018-01-16
- 既然是聊天我就加一贴。还在一月份估计大家的新年决心还都在正常实行中吧。我终于用了中国的亚麻读书,到现在读了十几本,看完的五本,觉得不用看的五本,剩下的比较难的慢慢看吧。中文阅读还是比英文快的多(汗啊)。大家有什么新年决心的也来分享一下。 - Obamalin8, 2018-01-16
- 老师,RDFN今天可以建仓了吗?还是说可以再等等看跌稳? - hunt@higher, 2018-01-17
- 俺觉得可以做空百度(BIDU),在254.8-256元之间,2个月的目标是220-228元。 - 雅歌, 2018-01-17
- 沙发. - 小学生, 2018-01-15