
英文老歌 老橡树上的黄丝带 (我是歌手)  3012次阅读

作者: Serena藕花深处 @, 发表于: 2018-01-28 (2433天前)



歌词描写的的故事: 一位男子不知什么原因入狱三年 刑满释放回家之前给妻子一封信, 约好如果妻子还在等他, 就在家门口的老橡树上拴一条黄丝带。如果他没有看到黄丝带, 他就呆在车上,继续前行, 忘掉他们的一切过往, 让他来承担一切的痛苦和自责。快到家的时候,他忐忑不安 , 不敢看自己可能会看到的东西。
结局是美好的, 这位妻子用一百条黄丝带拴在黄丝带上,张开双臂迎接丈夫的归来。整个车厢的人爆发出欢呼。
这首歌言尽旨远, 叙事含蓄巧妙, 把铁汉柔情刻画得不着痕迹。我以前一直感动于这首英文歌, 但又说不出是什么感动了我, 现在才知道, 是从未露面的妻子的宽恕。


Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Ole Oak Tree
Tony Orlando and Dawn, Dawn

I'm comin' home, I've done my time
Now I've got to know what is and isn't mine
If you received my letter telling you I'd soon be free
Then you'll know just what to do
If you still want me, if you still want me

Whoa, tie a yellow ribbon 'round the ole oak tree
It's been three long years, do you still want me?
If I don't see a ribbon round the ole oak tree
I'll stay on the bus, forget about us, put the blame on me
If I don't see a yellow ribbon 'round the ole oak tree

Bus driver, please look for me
'Cause I couldn't bear to see what I might see
I'm really still in prison and my love, she holds the key
A simple yellow ribbon's what I need to set me free
And I wrote and told her please

Whoa, tie a yellow ribbon 'round the ole oak tree
It's been three long years, do you still want me?
If I don't see a ribbon round the ole oak tree
I'll stay on the bus, forget about us, put the blame on me
If I don't see a yellow ribbon 'round the ole oak tree

Now the whole damned bus is cheerin'
And I can't believe I see
A hundred yellow ribbons round the ole oak tree
I'm comin' home



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