版主:雅歌  新东  胖胖  熊熊  

In other news, LNG feedgas demand fell 1 BCF last week to 22.91 BCF as flows to Cove Point, which had jumped to 50% capacity the previous week, returned to nearly zero. Still, the plant exported its first cargo on board the LNG tanker Gemmata on March 1 and the Methane Spirit is currently en route to likely export the plant's second cargo within the next 2 weeks. Once the 0.8 BCF/day plant completes its commissioning and begins receiving regular flows, total LNG feedgas demand to the Sabine Pass and Cove Point plants will be near 4 BCF/day. However, LNG exports will then likely plateau for the next 6 months, as shown in the Figure to the right released by the EIA last Thursday. The Elba Island plant in Georgia could come online this summer, but will only add up to 0.2 BCF/day of demand. (谈股论金)  625次阅读

作者: @, 发表于: 2018-03-13 (2450天前) @ 陌


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