- Seabird 建议:2018/03/14日更新。 - 雅歌, 2017-12-12
- Gas— could be 2.8-2.5, since daily chart is going down, just turned bearish again, 2.81 was a fake break up... - seabird58, 2018-03-15
- 谢谢seabird! - signal, 2018-03-16
- spy--may go up like this --2650-2800-2720-2850,on trend line,
Due to fed meeting on Tues and Wed. - seabird58, 2018-03-16
- Thank you! - signal, 2018-03-18
- 请教海鸟:2720今天已经到了,接下来是继续下探还是反转to2850,抑或在此盘整几天等加息?谢谢! - yaya, 2018-03-19
- should be 2700-2850 next. - seabird58, 2018-03-19
- thanks 海鸟!2700今天也到了 - yaya, 2018-03-19
- should be 2700-2850 next. - seabird58, 2018-03-19
- should be 2700 on trend line, not 2720, (sorry, did not read it clearly on cell phone) - seabird58, 2018-03-19
- thanks - 物极必反, 2018-03-19
- spy--2700-2850, see chart here - seabird58, 2018-03-19
- 谢谢海鸟 - daydreaming, 2018-03-19
- +1 - Rong322, 2018-03-19
- 多谢海鸟!happy trading! - yaya, 2018-03-19
- How are about Labu? - Happy, 2018-03-19
- labu--see above for target, could pull back to 88 in short term. - seabird58, 2018-03-19
- Labu 好象方向变了 - Happy, 2018-03-21
- 谢谢 - 物极必反, 2018-03-19
- 谢谢海鸟 - daydreaming, 2018-03-19
- ugaz--could be 54-64, since it broke up down trend line, daily chart looks bottomed. dgaz--broke down trend line at 29, could be 30-25 again - seabird58, 2018-03-20
- Spy—2680-2800 next,
Should rebound some during fed meeting today - seabird58, 2018-03-21
- thanks for update - 物极必反, 2018-03-21
- 谢谢海鸟!2680今天就有可能到了 - yaya, 2018-03-22
- ugaz--could be 52-64 again,previous low was 52;
daily stoch is not far from bottom,
KD line was closed yesterday(fake closing),
then reopened today, will be closed again - seabird58, 2018-03-21
- 多谢! - su759527, 2018-03-22
- spy--2660-2800 on fidelity chart, should follow it; 2680-2800 on investing.com, not accurate - seabird58, 2018-03-22
- spy broke down trend line at 2660,
should sell it if rebound from 2635-2675 tomorrow,
due to OE on Friday - seabird58, 2018-03-22
- 谢谢海鸟!今天是一路南下,不带回头的跌。。。 - yaya, 2018-03-22
- true, should stop it at 2650 this morning,
buy back around 2540 - seabird58, 2018-03-23
- thanks - 物极必反, 2018-03-26
- 海鸟, 有新的建议吗, 多谢 - 物极必反, 2018-03-26
- 同问 - leilei, 2018-03-26
- true, should stop it at 2650 this morning,
buy back around 2540 - seabird58, 2018-03-23
- 谢谢海鸟!今天是一路南下,不带回头的跌。。。 - yaya, 2018-03-22
- spy--2580-2800, daily chart was bottomed,
Bottom could be 2560, which is 200 MA, since it broken down trend line at 2605 - seabird58, 2018-03-27
- 多谢海鸟指导! - yaya, 2018-03-27
- gas--2.55-2.8, daily chart was bottomed;
ugaz--51-65, just broke up downtrend line at 55 - seabird58, 2018-03-27
- dgaz--32-25 - seabird58, 2018-03-27
- 谢谢海鸟! - signal, 2018-03-28
- dgaz--32-25 - seabird58, 2018-03-27
- Spy—could be 2560–2800; or 2540-2800, 2560 is 200MA, 2540 is previous low, Maybe buy half spxl at each of them - seabird58, 2018-03-28
- Gas— could be 2.8-2.5, since daily chart is going down, just turned bearish again, 2.81 was a fake break up... - seabird58, 2018-03-15