恋爱的过程就是这样的。。。 (笑话连篇) 2869次阅读
观看【一根葱】的博客I used to be like this...
Then I met a girl...
She was like this...
Together, we were like this...
I gave her gifts like this...
When she accepted my proposal, I was like this...
I used to talk to her all night like this...
And at the office I used to do this...
When my friends saw my girlfriend, they stared like this...
And I used to react like this...
But on Valentines Day,
she received a red rose from someone else like this...
And she was like this…
And I was like this…
Which later led to this...
I felt like doing this...
So I started doing this...
NOW look at me…
- 恋爱的过程就是这样的。。。 - 一根葱, 2014-10-05
- 哈哈哈,葱葱牛贴!! - 修理小子, 2014-10-05
- 你现在在第几个阶段?哈哈 - 一根葱, 2014-10-05
- 哈哈哈,葱儿要把小盆友们教坏了:)太早恋了:) - 丽桥游子, 2014-10-05
- 呵呵,俺犯错了,,,哈哈 - 一根葱, 2014-10-05
- 哈哈哈太可爱了,哪个阶段俺都喜欢))))) - 喜乐子, 2014-10-05
- 倒数第二张的Miller啤酒俺是常喝的, 但已经过了那个阶段。 - 灶君, 2014-10-05
- 哈哈哈哈。。。太好玩了。。很逼真啊。。哈哈。。 - 小鱼儿, 2014-10-06
- 哈哈哈,葱葱牛贴!! - 修理小子, 2014-10-05