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今天AMD的总裁Lisa Su接受访问时说中美贸易战不会影响到AMD,甚至对AMD有利,可以占有市场份额。这大概就是说AMD可能抢占Intel CPU的部分市场份额。AMD规模小,只要抢走Intel市场的份额的1%-3%, 就相当于15%-45%的营收增长。请看内容。 (谈股论金)  259次阅读

作者: 雅歌 @, 发表于: 2018-10-25 (2164天前) @ 雅歌


Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) CEO Lisa Su says technology consumers and industry buyers are becoming more concerned about the trade war between the U.S. and China , potentially impacting chip industry spending.
During a week in which industry peer Texas Instruments cited a slowdown in chip demand in forecasting a weaker outlook, Su said she doesn't see a macroeconomic problem for the chip sector yet. But, Su told Barron's in a wide- ranging phone interview Thursday morning, "people are more cautious given the trade situation."
"A bit more cautious [than three months ago]," she said, a day after highflying AMD stock plunged on weaker guidance. "We see it as an opportunity to gain [market] share."
AMD makes processors that act as the main computing brains for PCs, servers, and graphics cards, competing with Intel (INTC) and Nvidia (NVDA).
AMD stock was down almost 13% in Thursday morning trading.
President Donald Trump's administration instituted tariffs of 10% on $200 billion of imports from China in late September. Trump, in a statement last month, said these tariffs would rise to 25% on Jan. 1 if no deal is reached. The tariffs affect many technology products made in China , including some PC-related components and parts.


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