here is just one site: Fundamental analysis is a method of evaluating securities by attempting to measure the intrinsic value of a stock. Fundamental analysts study everything from the overall economy and industry conditions to the financial condition and management of companies. Earnings, expenses, assets and liabilities are all important characteristics to fundamental analysts. (谈股论金) 313次阅读
观看【Gemi888】的博客- 没有文字 -
- 11/15/2018 聊天室。可以任意发表评论,建议和聊天。也可以在这里提出关于股票的问题,为了方便大家聚焦在当天股市的交易,其中重要的股票操作建议,会转到上面置顶区里 (谈股论金) - 胖胖, 2018-11-14
- +1 - Gemi888, 2018-11-14
- Correction: 11/15/2018 - Gemi888, 2018-11-14
- +3 - smart, 2018-11-14
- +3 - dong, 2018-11-14
- +3 - 鬼子5, 2018-11-14
- +4 - newbie, 2018-11-14
- +6 - Azi, 2018-11-14
- +7 - stone, 2018-11-15
- +8 - -非圣-, 2018-11-15
- +9 - kajw911, 2018-11-15
- +12 - iamthere, 2018-11-15
- +13 - baren, 2018-11-15
- +14 - Monet16, 2018-11-15
- +15 - lianyi, 2018-11-15
- +16 - Peaceful, 2018-11-15
- +17 - 芳华萱, 2018-11-15
- +18 - 卫嘴子, 2018-11-15
- +19 - michelle, 2018-11-15
- +20 - lili, 2018-11-15
- +21 - 开心, 2018-11-15
- +21 - Xiaocao2017, 2018-11-15
- +20 - lili, 2018-11-15
- +19 - michelle, 2018-11-15
- +18 - 卫嘴子, 2018-11-15
- +17 - 芳华萱, 2018-11-15
- +16 - Peaceful, 2018-11-15
- +15 - lianyi, 2018-11-15
- +14 - Monet16, 2018-11-15
- +13 - baren, 2018-11-15
- +12 - iamthere, 2018-11-15
- +9 - kajw911, 2018-11-15
- +8 - -非圣-, 2018-11-15
- +7 - stone, 2018-11-15
- +6 - Azi, 2018-11-14
- +4 - newbie, 2018-11-14
- +3 - 鬼子5, 2018-11-14
- +3 - dong, 2018-11-14
- 多谢,瞧我被天然气气得日子都记错了 - 胖胖, 2018-11-14
- 我现在越来越怀疑了。这种基本面的分析对炒股的参考价值有多大? - algo, 2018-11-15
- Do not doubt functional analysis. Market is forever demand vs supply. But also do not doubt the stock market for most of us is a gambling place especially 3x, since the market is also manipulated by the wall street, MMs are the host on a gambling table, they want to take our money. In such case, the stock is just the dice on the table, far away from it's functional side. So lessons learned: 1. do not do 3x is the best 2. if you really like, do small as entertainment. 3. put stop sell at 8%. The advantage of 8% stop sell, it allows you to make 12 bad decisions, before you lose all money. - Gemi888, 2018-11-15
- functional? - 卫嘴子, 2018-11-15
- here is just one site: Fundamental analysis is a method of evaluating securities by attempting to measure the intrinsic value of a stock. Fundamental analysts study everything from the overall economy and industry conditions to the financial condition and management of companies. Earnings, expenses, assets and liabilities are all important characteristics to fundamental analysts. - Gemi888, 2018-11-15
- 谢谢分享 - 淡淡的天空, 2018-11-15
- functional? - 卫嘴子, 2018-11-15
- 对被MM盯上什么都不管用,MM任性的很 - 等是美德, 2018-11-15
- Do not doubt functional analysis. Market is forever demand vs supply. But also do not doubt the stock market for most of us is a gambling place especially 3x, since the market is also manipulated by the wall street, MMs are the host on a gambling table, they want to take our money. In such case, the stock is just the dice on the table, far away from it's functional side. So lessons learned: 1. do not do 3x is the best 2. if you really like, do small as entertainment. 3. put stop sell at 8%. The advantage of 8% stop sell, it allows you to make 12 bad decisions, before you lose all money. - Gemi888, 2018-11-15
- 胖胖别气,今年俺气和油伤了元气啦,俺昨天可是瞎猫碰死耗子,有时候傻大胆也有回报。昨天2.9进,今天4.5出。也没赚只是从存在MM那里的钱抢回来一些而已,再战。 - 天涯逍遥, 2018-11-15
- 谢天谢地,我昨天为你们祷告来着,赚钱的部分都先出了吧,保持体力再战 - 胖胖, 2018-11-15
- 我现在越来越怀疑了。这种基本面的分析对炒股的参考价值有多大? - algo, 2018-11-15
- +3 - smart, 2018-11-14
- Correction: 11/15/2018 - Gemi888, 2018-11-14
- 11/14(更新) - caap2008, 2018-11-14
- 多谢 - 胖胖, 2018-11-14
- 谢谢 - dbd, 2018-11-15
- 谢谢更新! - signal, 2018-11-15
- 谢谢更新 - 小姨婆, 2018-11-15
- 谢谢。 - 雪绒花, 2018-11-15
- Thank you! - newcomer, 2018-11-15
- Thank you. - 顺其自然, 2018-11-15
- thanks! - greatlake6, 2018-11-15
- 谢谢! - sva2017, 2018-11-15
- +11 - etflover, 2018-11-14
- +12 - kiki, 2018-11-15
- +13 - Liuzhonghe, 2018-11-15
- 请问雅歌,Tcehy Jd最近怎样操作,在深水中想高抛低吸降低成本,谢谢 - Dandelion, 2018-11-15
- TCEHY 最近应该会涨到 39-41元, 主要是习川会谈的原因。 JD反弹到 25-25.5元最好先卖出了。技术面目前是利多! - 雅歌, 2018-11-15
- 谢谢老师回复 - Dandelion, 2018-11-15
- TCEHY 最近应该会涨到 39-41元, 主要是习川会谈的原因。 JD反弹到 25-25.5元最好先卖出了。技术面目前是利多! - 雅歌, 2018-11-15
- 俺觉得可以在20.35-20.7元买进AMD短炒一周,目标是222.8-23.5元。G20会期大约2周,股市多头看来是要炒高一些。 - 雅歌, 2018-11-15
- 谢谢老师。 - 顺其自然, 2018-11-15
- +1 - Gemi888, 2018-11-14