Cormorant (原创天地) 5612次阅读
Quack quack the cormorant
Joyful sound from the islet
Attractive lady young and charming
She is the one that I like
Philodendrons short and long
Floating in water combed and in run
Attractive lady young and charming
She is the one in my dreams
Turning left turning right
I cannot fall asleep with her in mind
Attractive lady young and charming
She is the one kept me awake
Philodendrons short and long
Floating in water awaiting to be picked
Attractive lady young and charming
I want to please her with instruments
Philodendrons short and long
Picking 'em up 'n down the stream
Attractive lady young and charming
I want to entertain her with drums and horn
(雨斤 译)
- Cormorant - 金二, 2019-04-15
- 金老板这是开始进攻诗经了:) - 丽桥游子, 2019-04-15
- 你不愧是教授! - 金二, 2019-04-15
- 主要是你译得贴切,一眼就看出来了:) - 丽桥游子, 2019-04-16
- +1 - 眉子, 2019-04-24
- 主要是你译得贴切,一眼就看出来了:) - 丽桥游子, 2019-04-16
- 你不愧是教授! - 金二, 2019-04-15
- 金老板这是开始进攻诗经了:) - 丽桥游子, 2019-04-15