Senior administration officials now agree that China defied U.S. sanctions when it imported more than a million barrels of crude oil from Iran last month. But they are grappling with whether — and how — to hit back, according to three U.S. officials. The State Department had considered issuing a waiver allowing Chinese companies to receive Iranian oil as payment in kind for their investment in an Iranian oil field, but that idea has been abandoned. China hawks on the National Security Council are now pushing for the U.S. to impose secondary sanctions on Chinese entities, a move that would complicate trade talks between the two countries and further strain the relationship. (谈股论金) 670次阅读
观看【雅歌】的博客Senior administration officials now agree that China defied U.S. sanctions when it imported more than a million barrels of crude oil from Iran last month. But they are grappling with whether — and how — to hit back, according to three U.S. officials.
The State Department had considered issuing a waiver allowing Chinese companies to receive Iranian oil as payment in kind for their investment in an Iranian oil field, but that idea has been abandoned. China hawks on the National Security Council are now pushing for the U.S. to impose secondary sanctions on Chinese entities, a move that would complicate trade talks between the two countries and further strain the relationship.
- 07/11/2019 雅歌评论:黄金、原油、天然气、大盘走势短评 (完成) - 贴心小秘书, 2019-07-10
- 黄金,金矿股指数GDX, NUGT/DUST讨论区。请点击后,发回复帖!NUGT/DUST单日涨跌幅最高过去是30% - 贴心小秘书, 2019-07-10
- 原油期货,USO,UCO/SCO (2XETF),UWT/DWT (3X)讨论区. UWT/DWT 单日最大涨跌幅过去是30% - 贴心小秘书, 2019-07-10
- Senior administration officials now agree that China defied U.S. sanctions when it imported more than a million barrels of crude oil from Iran last month. But they are grappling with whether — and how — to hit back, according to three U.S. officials. The State Department had considered issuing a waiver allowing Chinese companies to receive Iranian oil as payment in kind for their investment in an Iranian oil field, but that idea has been abandoned. China hawks on the National Security Council are now pushing for the U.S. to impose secondary sanctions on Chinese entities, a move that would complicate trade talks between the two countries and further strain the relationship. - 雅歌, 2019-07-11
- 天然气期货和三倍的ETF UGAZ/DGAZ讨论区。单日涨跌幅过去最高是70%, 理论上可以高达100% - 贴心小秘书, 2019-07-10
- 中美股市走势讨论区 - 贴心小秘书, 2019-07-10
- TA指标显示nugt会继续上涨? - algo, 2019-07-11
- 鲍威尔已经打开了月底降息50个基点的大门? - algo, 2019-07-11
- 鲍威尔暗示降息 因美国利好消息难敌全球经济寒意 - algo, 2019-07-11
- spx 3006 now - algo, 2019-07-11
- 老师早上好!大家早上好!谢谢老师早评。 - Moyan, 2019-07-11
- Thanks - JH, 2019-07-11
- 谢谢早评 - xtool, 2019-07-11
- 谢谢! - Csir, 2019-07-11
- 老师早上好!大家好!谢谢老师早评! - 青山88, 2019-07-11
- 谢谢老师早评 - Newbie1998, 2019-07-11
- 谢谢老师! - always55, 2019-07-11
- Thank you so much! - Gemi888, 2019-07-11
- 谢谢老师早评 - 股金道来, 2019-07-11
- 谢谢老师早评 - cat13cat, 2019-07-11
- 谢谢老师早评。关于债市的情况。10年债券在7月3号录得最新几年最低利率1.96,然后这几天逐步回升到昨天闭盘后的2.07。而3个月短期利率从前几天高点2.26回落到昨天的2.20。这个现象我认为是,债市投资者这几天把资金逐步从长期债券转投短期债券。但是否开始从债市转投股市,还有待观察。 - 玉人箫, 2019-07-11
- 美联储首次降息通常表示是一连串降息的开始,所以长期利率通常会下降。若只是一次性的,就不会影响到长期利率,对美元指数/黄金/股市的影响也不大。显然目前美国股市所期待的是7月,9月,和2月份都降息。否则大盘会大跌! - 雅歌, 2019-07-11
- 谢谢老师! - 玉人箫, 2019-07-11
- 美联储首次降息通常表示是一连串降息的开始,所以长期利率通常会下降。若只是一次性的,就不会影响到长期利率,对美元指数/黄金/股市的影响也不大。显然目前美国股市所期待的是7月,9月,和2月份都降息。否则大盘会大跌! - 雅歌, 2019-07-11
- 谢谢老师。 - 顺其自然, 2019-07-11
- 谢谢老师早评! - 舟船, 2019-07-11
- Thank you so much! - Ping2018, 2019-07-11
- 谢谢老师早评! - 山高路远, 2019-07-11
- 谢谢老师早评! - sva2017, 2019-07-11
- 谢谢老师! - wawa, 2019-07-12