【2020爱唱就灵】如苏《Thank You》 (我是歌手) 4683次阅读
观看【如苏】的博客非常喜欢Dido的歌,这首歌送给喜欢听我唱歌的朋友们, 祝你们新年快乐阖家团圆万事顺利!!!
Thank You
My tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all
the morning rain clouds up my window and I can't see at all
And even if I could it'd all be grey, but your picture on my wall
it reminds me that it's not so bad
it's not so bad
I drank too much last night, got bills to pay
my head just feels in pain
I missed the bus and there'll be hell today
I'm late for work again
and even if I'm there, they'll all imply that I might not last the
day and then you call me and it's not so bad
it's not so bad and
I want to thank you for giving me the best day of my life
Oh just to be with you is having the best day of my life
Push the door, I'm home at last and I'm soaking through and
through then you handed me a towel and all I see is you
and even if my house falls down now, I wouldn't have a clue
because you're near me and
I want to thank you for giving me the best day of my life
Oh just to be with you is having the best day of my life
- 【2020爱唱就灵】如苏《Thank You》 - 如苏, 2020-01-05
- 沙发—-Thank you,我喜欢!!!谢谢如苏带来这么多精品的演唱,美丽的歌声!!今年除了跟风我一定向你学习争取唱好每一首歌,不留遗憾:)晚安!! - 小活, 2020-01-05
- 谢谢小活班班, 我得向你学习才是啊, 你积极向上充满活力让我佩服不已, 悄悄告诉你哈.... - 如苏, 2020-01-06
- 求你了,就叫小活,哈哈,我不是懒,我是真缺时间,还有就是能力不够,要出你那样的精品,半年才能唱出耒半首:)))新年快乐!! - 小活, 2020-01-06
- 谢谢小活班班, 我得向你学习才是啊, 你积极向上充满活力让我佩服不已, 悄悄告诉你哈.... - 如苏, 2020-01-06
- 苏苏好厉害啊!声音太棒了!这首歌很难唱。而且苏苏的发音很棒,味道全出来了!太好听了!为苏苏鼓掌叫好!新年快乐发大财!越唱越好听! - 修理小子, 2020-01-06
- 谢谢酒帅鼓励, 我特别喜欢Dido的歌,有一阵一直循环听着。 也祝你新年万事如意!!! - 如苏, 2020-01-06
- 苏苏好棒!还有啥你不会的啊,这首歌律动感强,旋律好听,一直很喜欢,你唱就更喜欢了,听了心情大好!大大的Thank You和鲜花送给你:) - 玉兰花开, 2020-01-06
- 谢谢玉兰班班, 要说佩服还真你啊,全才的音乐人, 我这辈子都赶不上你, 祝你的才艺新年更上一层楼! - 如苏, 2020-01-06
- 几个月前偶尔在车上的收音机听到这首歌,当时就很喜欢,副歌太精彩了!苏苏的英文歌也唱这么好,新年第一天上班,好享受,Thank you:) - 风之歌, 2020-01-06
- 谢谢风之歌鼓励! - 如苏, 2020-01-06
- 厉害。拿我的汤圆换你唱英语歌的本领好不?:))
唱得太好啦,金鼎一大尊!:)) - 心言, 2020-01-06
- 换啦换啦, Yeah! - 如苏, 2020-01-06
- 问好姐姐!这歌的节奏俺喜欢,唱的就更不用说了,赞!赞!赞! - 小Y, 2020-01-06
- 谢谢小Y, 新年快乐! - 如苏, 2020-01-06
- 抱歉,如苏姐,你的这首又放不岀来,显示错误!你下次可以上传圆盘播放器吗?那种我可以播放!谢谢你! - Lissa, 2020-01-06
- 对不起啊, 大圆盘来了..... - 如苏, 2020-01-06
- 这嗓音太赞了,温暖也不失穿透力,新年快乐! - 俗世洪流, 2020-01-06
- 谢谢帅锅! - 如苏, 2020-01-06
- 如苏妹的E歌也是棒棒的!还有什么你不会的?百变歌后非你莫属!新年多多发歌哦! - 爱晚亭, 2020-01-07
- 苏苏唱得太好了,字正腔圆,韵味好板了,喜欢. - 逍遥乐, 2020-01-09
- 沙发—-Thank you,我喜欢!!!谢谢如苏带来这么多精品的演唱,美丽的歌声!!今年除了跟风我一定向你学习争取唱好每一首歌,不留遗憾:)晚安!! - 小活, 2020-01-05