“Amigos para siempre” (永远的朋友) 玉兰/老乔治 祝大家周末愉快! (我是歌手) 3671次阅读
观看【老乔治】的博客I don't have to say
A word to you
You seem to know
Whatever mood
I'm going through
Feels as though
I've known you forever
Can look into my eyes and see
The way I feel
And how
The world is treating me
Maybe I have known you forever
Amigos para siempre
Means you'll always be my friend
Amics per sempre
Means a love that cannot end
Friends for life
Not just a summer or a spring
Amigos para siempre
I feel you near me
Even when we are apart
Just knowing you are in this world
Can warm my heart
Friends for life
Not just a summer or a spring
Amigos para siempre
We share memories
I won't forget
And we'll share more
My friend
We haven't started yet
Something happens
When we're together
I look at you
I wonder why
There has to come
A time when we must say goodbye
I'm alive when we are together
Amigos para siempre
Means you'll always be my friend
Amics per sempre
Means a love that cannot end
Friends for life
Not just a summer or a spring
Amigos para siempre
I feel you near me
Even when we are apart
Just knowing you are in this world
Can warm my heart
Friends for life
Not just a summer or a spring
Amigos para siempre
I look at you
I wonder why
There has to come
A time when we must say goodbye
I'm alive when we are together
Amigos para siempre
Means you'll always be my friend
Amics per sempre
Means a love that cannot end
Friends for life
Not just a summer or a spring
Amigos para siempre
I feel you near me
Even when we are apart
Just knowing you are in this world
Can warm my heart
Friends for life
Not just a summer or a spring
Amigos para siempre
Amigos para siempre
Means you'll always be my friend
Amics per sempre
Means a love that cannot end
Friends for life
Not just a summer or a spring
Amigos para siempre
Amigos para siempre
- “Amigos para siempre” (永远的朋友) 玉兰/老乔治 祝大家周末愉快! - 老乔治, 2020-04-26
- 沙发!收到鸡毛信就来啦!乔治大哥太会选歌了。好听但难度超大,已经超过我能力范围了。乔治大哥唱得大气,情感真挚!就像这歌里唱的,友谊天长地久!愿我们的友谊长存! - 玉兰花开, 2020-04-26
- 玉兰妹妹,合作愉快,high five! - 老乔治, 2020-04-27
- 打字打了半截没了。再来一次。精彩次合作呢。兰兰驾驭歌曲的能力超强,第一段出来的中音音色就很迷人,转音依然出色!和声部分竟然在乔大哥的浑厚音色下丝毫没被掩盖,这样的功力真太强。乔大哥浑厚的声音出色的气息很出彩!给两位精彩双赞! - 修理小子, 2020-04-26
- 多谢黄酒老弟听歌双赞!玉兰唱得很出色! - 老乔治, 2020-04-27
- 沙发! - Serena藕花深处, 2020-04-26
- 刚和果果一起上完画画课,满手颜料先点个彩虹赞:D—你们两个都是殿堂级别的演唱啊,我们以为我不故意一下走进了金色大厅!!崇拜!!后面的高音太惊艳了!!! - 小活, 2020-04-26
- 小活妹妹您好!多谢驻足听歌!您点的那首Besame Mucho 正在准备当中,哈哈。。。 - 老乔治, 2020-04-27
- 完美合作,鼓掌点赞! - 菁华, 2020-04-26
- 多谢您听歌点赞! - 老乔治, 2020-04-27
- 好像是第一次听玉兰和老乔治大腕合作呢!好有耳福!好有表现力和感染力的声音!明亮大气的乔治和温婉空灵的玉兰的声音交相辉映,节奏明快, 舒展大气, 浓墨重彩的歌颂友谊的歌!给人以歌剧院的感觉! - Serena藕花深处, 2020-04-26
- 多谢藕花妹妹听歌鼓励!您楼上的电影配音很棒! - 老乔治, 2020-04-27
- 双赞二位大神的实力演唱,好厉害。友谊地久天长! - 琉璃~冰娇, 2020-04-27
- 大赞二位好友完美的演绎,好听极了,使劲儿鼓掌叫好! - 逍遥乐, 2020-04-27
- 有音乐剧的感觉, 非常好听, 双赞两位好声音! - 如苏, 2020-04-28
- 唱的好,合的好~! - yijuhua, 2020-04-28
- 这歌是真好听, 没想到你俩对唱这么出彩!期待更多你俩合作的精彩! - 玩主, 2020-04-29
- 两位大拿的合唱太美了!特别是那些合声.美仑美奂!起立鼓掌! - 爱晚亭, 2020-04-30
- ++++++感谢大家来听歌,多谢乔治大哥邀请一起唱这首经典歌曲,很大的挑战呢,谢谢大家的鼓励!+++++++ - 玉兰花开, 2020-04-30
- 第一次听二人的演唱,震撼到了。太好了! - fanfan952, 2020-04-30
- 沙发!收到鸡毛信就来啦!乔治大哥太会选歌了。好听但难度超大,已经超过我能力范围了。乔治大哥唱得大气,情感真挚!就像这歌里唱的,友谊天长地久!愿我们的友谊长存! - 玉兰花开, 2020-04-26