【六六大顺庆周年】【Think of Me】from <The Phantom of the Opera> 跟风玉兰听泉~~ (我是歌手) 4156次阅读
观看【山中野花静静开】的博客这风跟的慢了好几页拍!原来的西北风早已变成东南风了,哈哈~~ 不管是西北风还是东南风,都是我的歌我的歌~~
Think of Me
Andrew Lloyd Webber
Think of me, think of me fondly
When we've said goodbye
Remember me, once in a while
Please promise me you'll try
When you find that once again you long
To take your heart back and be free
If you ever find a moment
Spare a thought for me
We never said our love was evergreen
Or as unchanging as the sea
But if you can still remember
Stop and think of me
Think of all the things
We've shared and seen
Don't think about the way
Things might have been
Think of me, think of me waking
Silent and resigned
Imagine me trying too hard
To put you from my mind
Recall those days
Look back on all those times
Think of the things we'll never do
There will never be a day
When I won't think of you
Can it be, can it be Christine?
Long ago, it seems so long ago
How young and innocent we were
She may not remember me
But I remember her
Flowers fade, the fruits of summer fade
They have their season so do we
But please promise me that sometimes
You will think of me
- 【六六大顺庆周年】【Think of Me】from <The Phantom of the Opera> 跟风玉兰听泉~~ - 山中野花静静开, 2020-07-24
- 哇,好激动山中野花加入“歌剧魅影”探宝队! 太好听了!这就是传说中的花腔女高音吧!仔细听了, 每一个细节处理都得精彩到位, 音色华美润泽, 最后的啊也轻松漂亮!搭档John也配合得默契, 珠联璧合,精湛极了!感谢分享这么棒的合作! - Serena藕花深处, 2020-07-24
- 谢谢藕花美言!马上去探你的宝~~ - 山中野花静静开, 2020-07-24
- 天啊,两位都是大神级别!太棒了!这首歌客栈的高手们唱太好听了!师父的声音清亮通透,John的声音跟师父是绝配,你们的音色非常和谐,听了很多遍!太棒了! - 修理小子, 2020-07-24
- 谢谢小修热情鼓励!代John收下这么多鲜花~~ - 山中野花静静开, 2020-07-24
- 两位的演唱真精彩,静静的高音好漂亮! - 菁华, 2020-07-24
- 谢谢鼓励! - 山中野花静静开, 2020-07-24
- 厉害了,梦圆大师携手钟先生唱歌剧,让我们有耳福了!俩位配合默契。音色优美,动人心弦,梦圆大师最后飚高音,令人惊艳!起立鼓掌献花! - 爱晚亭, 2020-07-24
- 谢谢晚亭大哥的掌声和鲜花! - 山中野花静静开, 2020-07-24
- 听不到,不开心,点开Download还是听不了,所以你们就知道我为啥很久没来客栈的原因了吧。唉! - 啦啦, 2020-07-25
- 很抱歉啦啦听不了,也许是各自网络问题。有的歌有时我父母也听不了,但这首他们一下子就听到了。 - 山中野花静静开, 2020-07-26
- 太棒了,太好听了! 为二位热烈鼓掌! - 飞歌, 2020-07-25
- 谢谢飞歌! - 山中野花静静开, 2020-07-26
- 精彩合作,演绎得很有味道。赞! - chuntianle, 2020-07-26
- 你的唱非常轻快,有角色年轻的天真感。这么难的歌都唱下来了,态度比我刻苦多了, - 玩主, 2020-07-30
- 哇,好激动山中野花加入“歌剧魅影”探宝队! 太好听了!这就是传说中的花腔女高音吧!仔细听了, 每一个细节处理都得精彩到位, 音色华美润泽, 最后的啊也轻松漂亮!搭档John也配合得默契, 珠联璧合,精湛极了!感谢分享这么棒的合作! - Serena藕花深处, 2020-07-24