【你唱我和】A Gravity Wave 和好友木工合作的一首英文歌 (我是歌手) 3519次阅读
A Gravity Wave
词:木工、Jadee, 源自Aiken 同名诗
曲:木工 & 风之歌
Verse 1
A few old friends drinking beer
Sheltered from the sheeting rain
Lightning cracked the thickened air
Touching the waves at Brigantine
We ran the flow upon returning
to a place where beauty strolling
The fun and the music filled the air
Like a choreographed spirit
Chorus 1
A spark surged as the dancer floated on the breeze
Skimming the estuary and standing in silence
The rage filled the sky and rose to the cloud
An anvil formed and the wind howling loud
and the rain soaked the wooden door
Verse 2
The porch was warm and being a shelter
The friends were full of laughter
The beer added to the tempest
and music swirled into the thunder
We watched from the windows
seeing seagulls skimming the water
waiting for the tides to bring
a prize from the gravity waves
Chorus 2
The storm pounded the marsh and left the fallen trees
Lightning struck and cracked hard turning day into the night
And soon it swept through and the sun showed his face
The Daylight restored, the birds returned
to their mission of chasing the retreating waves
And soon it was through and the sun showed his face
The Daylight restored, the birds returned
to their mission of chasing the gravity waves
A Gravity wave that cycles our lives is on
- 【你唱我和】A Gravity Wave 和好友木工合作的一首英文歌 - 风之歌, 2020-10-24
- 好棒的原创合作!好听,词曲唱皆佳!用心的佳作精品! - 修理小子, 2020-10-24
- 谢谢小修听歌和鼓励,合作的确很愉快,词真的好,我们作曲演唱玩的也过瘾。后期制作还是要请你多指教。 - 风之歌, 2020-10-24
- 木工的声音很清撤,真是好声音。原创很有民谣的风格!风风编曲越来越成熟了,好棒啊!歌词确实画面感生活感很强,看得出来你们都是热爱生活,细心收集点滴美好的音乐人:)口琴得加入特别有感! - 玉兰花开, 2020-10-24
- 多谢玉兰班长美言鼓励。木工的音色我的确很欣赏,他的曲子民谣味足,希望这次的编曲能表现出西部民谣的味儿。呵呵,同是在音乐中梦想生活的人。:) - 风之歌, 2020-10-24
- 很久不见风之歌,问好哦!好词好曲好唱,很喜欢那段口琴的加入! - 小活, 2020-10-24
- 呵呵,是挺久不见了,俺闭关磨歌。也向小活问好。木工的那段口琴我也超喜欢。 - 风之歌, 2020-10-24
- 好创,好唱! - yijuhua, 2020-10-25
- 俩位大神合作,创作、演绎双优,风之歌唱的E歌非常迷人动听,起立鼓掌喝彩! - 爱晚亭, 2020-10-25
- 赞很棒的原创合作。词和曲配搭得很完美。双赞 - Deerwood, 2020-10-25
- 好棒的原创作品,词曲唱俱佳,为你们热烈鼓掌! - 逍遥乐, 2020-10-25
- 好久不见。很棒的合作。 赞。 周末愉快! - chuntianle, 2020-10-25
- 木工的音色非常classic,唱的非常好,音准棒,发音地道,非常经得起推敲。风风的曲子旋律和配乐都民谣味道十足,有那种老歌的感觉,老歌、老朋友、啤酒、怀旧--味道出来了。音效处理也很喜欢,没有用什么混响,更贴合民谣味道,但是考验歌手功力。挺喜欢结尾重复的时候“gravity waves”开始提高混响,有点儿随风远去的感觉,这个处理有点old fashioned,特别好~ - 最得意当姑姑, 2020-10-25
- 词曲唱都很流畅,旋律优美,木工的歌声很动听,很传情!是首好原创!! - 树烨子, 2020-10-27
- 英语原创真的很牛! - 如苏, 2020-10-27
- 赞很棒的原创合作。词和曲配搭得很完美。双赞!! +1 - 飞歌, 2020-10-28
- 佳作!佳作!词曲唱口琴声,样样好! - cicila, 2020-10-30
- 欣赏风之歌优美原创,热烈鼓掌! - 雅歌, 2020-10-30
- 这首歌很有欧美那种country music的民谣风格,很舒服,很惬意。很适合在长途旅行时,坐在火车上,看着窗外大自然的风景,然后在耳机里播放这首歌,恰到好处。 - 尐K, 2021-06-08
- 好棒的原创合作!好听,词曲唱皆佳!用心的佳作精品! - 修理小子, 2020-10-24