
【One Day When We Were Young】- 雅歌编曲/配器, 树烨子演唱 (我是歌手)  2796次阅读

作者: 树烨子 @, 发表于: 2021-06-17 (1194天前)



One day when we were young
One wonderful morning in May
You told me you loved me
When we were young one day

Sweet songs of spring were sung
And music was never so gay
You told me you loved me
When we were young one day

You told me you loved me
And held me close to your heart
We laughed then
We cried then
Then came the time to part

When songs of spring were sung
Remember that morning in May
Remember you loved me
When we were young one day


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我是歌手 新闻速递 谈股论金 聊天灌水 影视在线 心灵大学 原创天地 笑话连篇 美食天下 视觉艺术 伴奏交流