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09/09/2021 雅歌评论:黄金、原油、天然气、大盘走势短评 (完成) (谈股论金)  3128次阅读

作者: 贴心小秘书 @, 发表于: 2021-09-08 (1114天前)
编辑: 雅歌, 时间: 星期四, 九月 09, 2021, 08:36




1. Natural gas futures on Wednesday rebounded as traders mulled ongoing production outages in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM), robust domestic demand and intensifying competition for U.S. exports of liquefied natural gas (LNG).

GOM production in the wake of Hurricane Ida, meanwhile, continued to only inch back toward normal. The bulk of GOM output remained shut-in Wednesday, with an estimated 77% of natural gas production still offline, totaling more than 1.72 Bcf/d, according to the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement.

Overall national output hovered around 91 Bcf at the start of trading Wednesday, more than 1 Bcf below pre-Ida levels due to the lingering shut-ins in the Gulf. While the storm diminished industrial demand for natural gas in the region as well, Wood Mackenzie analyst Kara Ozgen noted Wednesday “initial signs of comeback.”

At the pace established early this week, EBW Analytics Group said it will take another “28 days for currently shut-in Gulf of Mexico natural gas supply to stage a complete comeback.”

Entergy Corp. said Wednesday it has restored power to about 60% of the more than one million customers in Louisiana and Mississippi that lost service after Ida battered the two states. However, the company said, it may take until late September to fully restore power to all affected customers.

2. Bespoke Weather Services said forecasts Wednesday showed increased cooling degree days in the eastern half of the nation, adding to already robust demand in the West.

3. Spot gas prices skyrocketed Wednesday, as supply constraints and elevated demand in the western United States spurred a furious rally.

NatGasWeather said vast swaths of the West, along with the southern Plains and Texas, remain very warm to hot this week, with highs of upper 80s to 100s because of strong high pressure.

With lofty temperatures and high energy demand across the western region, the California Independent System Operator on Wednesday asked residents statewide to voluntarily conserve electricity in the afternoon and evening when the grid is most stressed because of higher demand and tighter supplies.

An energy storage facility in Moss Landing, CA, that was forced offline after it overheated and damaged batteries added to natural gas demand and upward price pressure out West.

Against that backdrop, physical prices spiked in California. SoCal Citygate jumped $8.495 day/day to average $20.055, while SoCal Border Avg. climbed $6.660 to $15.460.

Gains were also exceptionally pronounced in the Southwest, where high temperatures continued to eclipse the century mark in Las Vegas and Phoenix. El Paso S. Mainline/N. Baja advanced $16.000 to $28.765, and KRGT Del Pool gained $3.905 to $15.310.

关于第二点, 今早的GFS预测已经改变, 下面是昨天和今早的预测,很明显看到18日以后的气温预测下调。

市场预估今天的报告是40BCF, NGI估计 是38BCF, 5年平均是65BCF。 如果没有出现意外利多的情形,比如少于30BCF,天然气价格应该要回落。









WTI 原油:



俺认为70元以上可以做空原油。 IDA飓风的炒作今天可能就是到顶了!可以买进SCO在17-17.3元之间,目前大约在17.43元附近。


美元指数昨天突破MA50(92.62),目前又跌破,回落到92.5附近。美元指数突然回落与大盘期货跌幅缩小有时间上的关系! 美元指数在过去18个月来,只要美股大跌就会大涨!去年一度涨到102以上,就是美股市大盘跌至最低时!



NUGT短期几天的区间是50-54元。NUGT50-51元之间可以稍微买进, 53元以上最后卖出,反过来买DUST。



Jim Cramer, 华尔街常年大牛昨天说股市在9-10月有6个忧虑,可能下跌。




今天SPX还是可能再次下探4500点。可能会跌破。 若是开盘上涨,可以稍微做空。

UVXY盘前一度到了 22.75元, 目前在22.17元附近。 俺认为可以在21.85-22。1元之间稍微买进。 22.7-23.2元之间卖出。

UVXY即使拿2周也没关系,剩下9个交易日到美联储开会时,股市很难创新高。恐慌情绪会偏高。 所以未来2周内UVXY有机会到25元以上。


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