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12/07/2021 雅歌评论:黄金、原油、天然气、大盘走势短评 (完成) (谈股论金)  2967次阅读

作者: 贴心小秘书 @, 发表于: 2021-12-06 (1025天前)
编辑: 雅歌, 时间: 星期二, 十二月 07, 2021, 09:02



天然气昨天跌至了3.646元附近, KOLD最高到了 13.5元附近,这价位其实已经差不多到合理价格了!

也就是未来1个月, 天然气价格应该在3-4元之间波动。

短期1-2周内或许天然气有可能跌至3.5元附近,可以乘机买进做多。目前天然气的趋势是利空, 技术面也是利空,所以是有可能会超跌! 特别是圣诞节之后到年底,若喷射气流模式没改变,14日内的气温预测还是偏暖,天然气价格会测试3.5元。

天然气若是下跌至3.5元或以下,就开始变得稍微利多! 因为:

1. LNG的出口年底或明年初,会上升到约13BCF/日,即使增加幅度不大,但比起去年同期大约11BCF/日, 是每天增加了2BCF。

2. 就日产量来说,去年12月份, 平均大约91BCF, 但最近日产量平均在96BCF, 增加了5BCF。 日产量的增幅比LNG的增幅多是事实!

3. 美国的发电厂使用的煤炭比率最近几个月明显看到下降,因为煤炭价格也上涨,虽然涨幅不如天然气。另外,可能是设备更新,为了清洁能源环保的理由等。这大约影响1-2BCF的天然气消耗量增加。

4. 冬季其实是从12/21日正式开始,明年1-2月份出现大规模下雪的可能性还是存在的。当然,若是1月份的气温偏暖,如同2015年的冬季一样, 天然气是有可能跌破3元的!因为从上面3点,可以得到天然气日产量稍微比LNG出口,还有煤炭的使用减少得出每天大约增加了 1 BCF的供给量!

5. 美国的电力需求量会因为比特币等挖矿转移到美国来而增加。另外,EV的增长,也会增加美国的电力需求量。这在未来也会增加天然气发电的需求量。虽然美国的风力和太阳能装置也不断增加,但这些不是稳定的能源,特别是在冬天和夏天,风电和太阳能不能成为基载电力。



俺昨天说过 KOLD若是回落到12-12.5元可以稍微买进, 目标是 13-13.7元卖出。

BOIL 24.5-25.5元也可以考虑买进。


WTI原油盘前已经涨到71.57元了,超出了俺估计的范围65-70元。 似乎从昨天开始, 美国股市大福上涨之后, 投资人突然觉得新冠疫情不可怕, 新的变种病毒Omicron不会影响到原油的需求量!所以昨天航空,豪华邮轮和旅游股大涨约8%,今天盘前股市也呈现继续上涨的势态。可以说原油是跟着大盘上涨的。




上周五CFTC的炒家仓位看到原油的净多仓位明显下降,低于400K。当然这是过时的资讯,只是到了上周二的仓位情况。但原油已经没有那么多人(散户)做多炒作也是事实。虽然上涨还有MM出来喊 150元的目标,估计相信的散户不会太多!

因为WTI已经突破了70元, 暂时不要做空。也许要做空可以等到72元或以上再做空, 一定要设停损大约2%!



就美国国内的汽油需求量,进入冬季会明显下降,虽然12月份的气温是偏暖。疫情也让许多企业继续让职员在家上班,延后回公司上班的要求。 另外, 拜登政府要求国际航班入境旅客需要24小时内的RT-PCR检验报告,估计会严重影响到国际旅客人数。许多国家都没有24小时内可以拿到RT-PCR的报告的。






SPX的MA30是4638, MA20 是4642,估计开盘后会测试,如果突破,技术面就变成利多。否则,技术面还算是稍微利空。





昨天反弹上涨最多的是Russell 2000指数(IWM ETF),上涨了约2%。其次是道琼指数。纳指涨幅最小。

上周 IWM (TNA)跌幅最大,因为认为Omicron会影响美国的经济增长。10年美债的殖利率也下跌至1.38%,代表MM避险动作,或认为经济会放缓,导致美联储不敢提前加息的看法。俺说过这是错误解读美联储主席鲍尔,他最近已经释放出12月份的会议会讨论加速减少QE。 鲍尔过去被人为最鸽派,这一次变成鹰派,通膨的问题不能再忽视!

前财政部长,哈佛经济学院院长Larry Summer前几天说美联储主席终于同意他的说法,通膨不是暂时和过渡性的,他希望明年美联储能够加息4次!当然股市是不希望加息,预期原本是明年加息两次。可能下周三后,市场会预期明年加息提高到3次。




俺认为今天可以趁涨时做空航空股,比如AAL,或综合ETF Jets。
也可以稍微买进 UVXY在 17.8-18.5元附近。 目前是18.7元。

市场过度乐观,认为疫情会让美联储不敢加息,不敢加快收回QE。但对美联储来说,控制通膨是首要任务,还有4.2%的失业率,其实已经达到目标了。所以不会有顾忌开始加息控制通膨! 再说鲍尔已经获得连任,不需要担心职位不保!



Below is a roundup of 14 of these 2022 forecasts for the S&P 500¹ including highlights from the strategists’ commentary. The targets range from 4,400 to 5,300. The S&P closed on Friday at 4,538, which implies returns between -3% and +17%:

Barclays - 4,800 (12/2/2021): “Household and corporate cash hoards should support modest earnings growth but persistent supply chain woes, reversal of goods consumption to trend and China hard-landing are key tail risks.“ (via Jonathan Ferro)

DWS, David Bianco - 5,000 (12/1/2021): “2022 returns driven by earnings growth. Higher volatility with potentially significant intra-year sector rotations depending on level of real yields.”

JPMorgan, Dubravko Lakos-Bujas - 5,050 (11/30/2021): “While there have been sporadic setbacks with COVID-19 variants (e.g. delta, omicron), this needs to be seen in the context of higher natural and vaccine-acquired immunity, significantly lower mortality, and new antiviral treatments… With this in mind, the key risk to our outlook is a hawkish shift in [central bank] policy, especially if post-pandemic dislocations persist (e.g. further delay in China reopening, supply-chain issues, labor shortages continue).” (via MarketWatch)

Yardeni Research, Ed Yardeni - 5,200 (11/28/2021): “Assuming, as I do, that Omicron, the new variant of Covid, will turn out to be no worse than the Delta variant, I still expect that the S&P 500 will continue to rise to new record highs… The Fed may decide to taper faster in response to higher-than-expected inflation. But, it would still be adding liquidity, though at a slower pace, to the economy’s punch bowl—which already has plenty of liquidity from previous rounds of the Fed’s largess.“ (via LinkedIn)

Bank of America, Savita Subramanian - 4,600 (11/23/2021): “Drivers for our outlook: a higher discount rate, US GDP primacy vs. China, rising capex but slowing consumption, the end of the ‘equity shrinkage’ bull case.”²

Jefferies, Sean Darby - 5,000 (11/23/2021): “Growth – Real and Nominal – is not likely to be a problem in 2022 as the US consumer, corporate, government and possibly the banks unleash their spending. But base effects work against earnings and high valuations meaning that market multiples matter.“

BNP Paribas, Greg Boutle - 5,100 (11/22/2021): “We expect to see some compression of price/earnings ratio multiples as rates rise. However, strong earnings growth could still translate into a ~10% total return, in our view.“

BMO, Brian Belski - 5,300 (11/18/2021): “An accommodative Fed, excessively low interest rates, potential peaking inflation and supply chain fears, and positive earnings growth REMAINS a very good recipe for equities – PERIOD.“

Goldman Sachs, David Kostin - 5,100 (11/16/2021): “Decelerating economic growth, a tightening Fed, and rising real yields suggest investors should expect modestly below-average returns next year. The S&P 500 has historically generated an average 12-month return of 8% in environments of positive but slowing economic activity and rising real interest rates...“

Wells Fargo Investment Institute - 5,100-5,300 (11/16/2021): “We expect supportive monetary policy along with public and private spending to push equity markets higher through the year.“ (via Wells Fargo)

Morgan Stanley, Michael Wilson - 4,400 (11/15/2021): “With financial conditions tightening and earnings growth slowing, the 12-month risk/reward for the broad indices looks unattractive at current prices. However, strong nominal GDP growth should continue to provide plenty of good investment opportunities at the stock level for active managers.“

RBC, Lori Calvasina - 5,050 (11/11/2021): “As for why we feel constructive (beyond the strong economy), cash deployment trends are positive, frothy earnings revisions are no longer an overhang on the market, individual investor sentiment turned so bearish recently that it briefly gave a contrarian buy signal for the stock market in October, and fiscal policy tilts supportive with corporate tax hikes less of a threat. The onset of tapering and proximity of Fed hikes have kept investors uneasy, but stocks normally post gains post lift off as long as the economy is strong enough to handle it.“

UBS, Keith Parker - 4,850 (09/07/2021): “We forecast S&P 500 EPS to rise to $60 in Q2 '22, inclusive of a tax hit, which would support 5,000+ for the S&P on a 21x trailing P/E. Slower forecast economic growth in H2 '22 though and a flattening out of quarterly earnings at ~$60 accordingly should mean that gains are front loaded next year.“

Credit Suisse, Jonathan Golub - 5,000 (08/09/2021): “We see upside to estimates as empty shelves are restocked and pricing power is maintained. Consumer spending should improve as the unemployment rate drops further, accompanied by higher wages.“


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