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10/13/2016 中国经济状况究竟出了什么问题,出口数据大跌10%?
所有非3X的股票,大盘走势等。 高手们可以自由报名牌,操作入场点,和获利目标和时限!中国股市在此讨论!SVXY/UVXY也在此讨论!警告:炒股具有风险,后果自负!
(谈股论金)  4174次阅读

作者: 雅歌 @, 发表于: 2016-10-13 (2899天前)



中国公布的进出口数据显示出口以美元计,下跌了10%,市场预期下跌3%。 而进口以美元计下跌了1.9%,市场预期增长1%。这以美元计的数据不如预期有部分原因是美元涨了。若以人民币计算:




2。进口数据以人民币计是增长2.2%的,虽不如预期,还是增长!问题在出口下降5.6%, 这代表国家经济环境不佳,影响到出口!



China's September exports fell 10 percent from a year earlier, far worse than expected, while imports unexpectedly shrank after picking up in August, suggesting signs of steadying in the world's second-largest economy may be short-lived.

The disappointing trade figures pointed to weaker demand both at home and aboard, and deepened concerns over the latest depreciation in China's yuan currency CNY=CFXS, which hit a fresh six-year low against a firming U.S. dollar on Thursday.

"This comes on the heels of weak South Korean trade data, and it definitely make us worry about to what extent global demand is improving," said Luis Kujis, head of Asia economics at Oxford Economics in Hong Kong.
Asian stocks tumbled to three-week lows and U.S. stock futures and Treasury yields fell after the data, while copper prices in London slipped. [MKTS/GLOB]
China's exports had been expected to fall 3 percent, slightly worse than in August, as global demand for Asian goods remains stubbornly weak despite heading into what is usually the peak year-end shopping season.
Weaker demand for Chinese goods was seen in nearly all of its major markets in the U.S., Europe and much of Asia.
Imports shrank 1.9 percent, dashing hopes for a second rise in a row. Imports had unexpectedly grown 1.5 percent in August, the first expansion in nearly two years, on stronger demand for coal and commodities such as iron ore which are feeding a construction boom.


美国最近9月份的经济数据都比预期的好,除了非农就业数据稍微不如意(然而8月份向上修正也弥补了数据的不足)。明天的零售业增长市场预估0.4%, 应该会达到或超过一些,是利多!另外JPM(预估盈利1.39元),C(1.16元), WFC(1.01元)等大银行会公布财报,估计应该会达到或超过预期!所以明天股市大盘应该上涨!


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