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Thanks, 雅歌, I do not bet on oil breaking through 50 this year. (谈股论金)  451次阅读

作者: longterminvestor @, 发表于: 2017-07-26 (2474天前) @ 雅歌


Most of my money are on pipelines. So I actually do not care about oil prices, I only care about oil production volumes. The best that could happen for me is oil price up and oil production up in US.

I am wondering if you see the news on technical difficulties on Saudi's giant fields. It could take away 1 million bpd of production. Also the conflicts on Yemen and Qatar, a lot is going on. So who knows what will happen.

I think there are too many data points to make a reliable prediction, it is a psychology game in short term between bulls and bears until something big happens.


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