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Direxion Daily S&P Biotech Bear 3X Shares Enters Wave A of Elliott Wave Cycle 11/23/2016 Recognia has detected that Direxion Daily S&P Biotech Bear 3X Shares (LABD on NYSE) has entered Wave A of its Elliott Wave cycle. This bullish signal indicates that the price may rise from the previous close of 14.59 to the next Elliott Wave target price of 31.70. Wave A is the first part of the corrective phase which moves against the direction of the overall market trend (either bullish or bearish). It is common to see increased volume at the start of Wave A. The Wave A target price is determined using Fibonacci ratios. 从 Fidelity copy 的关于拉达在11/23/16 发布的预测,顶点可能会到 31.70. 供大家参考,不做决策用。我今天设定 19 的目标,是否出场,根据情况,我打算下周更高一些出场,如 25 左右吧。当然会随时更改,今天盘前的变化支持俺的思路。 (谈股论金)  452次阅读

作者: Inhale @, 发表于: 2016-12-02 (2727天前) @ 雅歌


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